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Joined: Dec 27, 2018
Last seen: Nov 25, 2021
Topics: 8 / Replies: 82
RE: arginine and statins

I'm with JB- i've seen pictures of fatty streaks (the precursor to atherosclerosis) in autopsy vessels from otherwise healthy 5 year olds. The process...

5 years ago
RE: Supplement Produces a 'Striking' Endurance Boost

the betroot study also references an earlier paper using nitrite powder, which worked even better (thou it didnt make the times like the betroot guys ...

5 years ago
RE: BCAAS take them!!

love BCAA, hate trying to get them dissolved!

5 years ago
RE: Ethyl ester creatine HCI

quote:It made fit atheletes into invalids after shot;if they used that shit;to question terror suspects;they would'nt have needed Guantanamo bay. M/tr...

5 years ago
RE: Ethyl ester creatine HCI

is it just my tongue, or is CEE the WORST tasting supp. since HMB?

5 years ago
RE: Looseing my battle with depression!!!! Head doc!!!!

you have been through some major life changing events, reactive depression is normal (eg after bereavement), endogenous depression may have been cause...

5 years ago
RE: Is fasting before working out a good idea?

Arginine in the pre workout stack could only be a good thingarginine...Nitric Oxide... probably about 10,00 hits on pubmed!Best thing I've ever had fo...

5 years ago
RE: Is fasting before working out a good idea?

interesting link between test & eNOS/ NO, perhaps preloading with NO donors could help the T response

5 years ago
RE: Is fasting before working out a good idea?

fasted workouts improve endurance gains via upregulation of the "thrifty" genes (AMPK etc.) but it is metabolically very stressful & I'm not sure ...

5 years ago
RE: Low IQ Among Strongest Predictors of Cardiovascular Disease -- Second Only to Cigaret

yes, low IQ per se is probably not causal, but the associated social risk factors with low IQ are very important. So many confounding variables!

5 years ago
RE: omega 3 and fish oil

well put. I love fish oils

5 years ago
RE: metformin has been talked about for weight loss

there are studies suggesting that it impairs VO2 & some saying it improves it; AMPK upregulaets muscle GLUT4 which takes in sugar independently fr...

5 years ago
RE: metformin has been talked about for weight loss

& it activates AMPK, the master gene for endurance athletes!

5 years ago
RE: Why do we need vitamins ???

LOL spam bots aren't what the used to be, this one can't even spell "Andrew"

5 years ago
RE: testosterone level post SARMs

hitting the PCT hard: on HCG, tamoxifen & ATD, VitD3, Maca & pregnenolone/DHEA. Didn't get the Test. level result for about a week after stopp...

5 years ago
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