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Joined: Jul 31, 2019
Last seen: Jun 18, 2022
Topics: 0 / Replies: 4
RE: Short oral cycle. Thoughts.

I can't speak for the Clen, but you should get decent results with that tbol doseage. I've read up on a few oral only cycles and the concensus seems t...

3 years ago
RE: d-bol or t-bol ???

Bump to Rulez. It all depends on what your goals are and what you want out of what you're using. If you just want size and strength, d-bol's the bette...

3 years ago
RE: bad acne

Proactiv works for me. If the usual OTC stuff doesn't get it down to where it's manageable, the genx site has Accutane.

6 years ago
RE: Why Do You Take Steroids?

Bump to Marty, definitely an increase in sexual function while on cycle. And like he said, the nuts shrink, but there's a lot you can do to avoid that...

6 years ago