Last seen: Oct 4, 2024
Yeah, from that pic I can see what a porker he is! ;)
Thanks for the complements bros!
I don't think Gaspari would debate the fact that he is a genetic freak for bodybuildng. For most men, 15-20 is normal, 10-15 is low, and below 7% you'...
Don't write off carbs completely though, your workouts will suffer. I suggest you keep away from T3 for at least six more months of stricter (not stri...
Why be sad about your ass gas? Let it go and enjoy the show!!!
if it clogs, u need more filters. Be smart, filter it. Not worth the agonny.
It's not that hard to take a 29 gauge, suck out the good juice and shoot in some sterile oil and sell it off to someone. I suggest you check your sour...
Yeah sounds like you put the pin near a nerve and then hit it during inject. I suggest that you choose a different time of day, so your more prepared ...
Two words buddy: TOOTHPASTE TUBE. Pack a suit case. Just keep the real toothpaste under your seat. Priority mail is a FEDERAL thang baby. Try keeping ...