Last seen: May 5, 2023
u will always get better absorption if u dissolve under ur tongue.. that is why that headache medecine is a powder, ur body doesnt have to break it do...
hardcore, how can u ask that question when he lists 3 different types???
ur body just might not be very receptive to EQ in general... i wouldnt go that high personally but i knw some guys do.. stick around 600mg/week
400-600 per week what brand were u using???
what gauge needle
shake em up some more
NEVER preload a water base..
what type of winny u using?? hold the syringe parallel to the floor so the crystals dont all sink to the bottom and cause the clog in the future use z...
LOL, thats what i am sayin.. WTF on the MRI??
MRI??? magnetic resonance imaging????
thats insane, i cant believe it. congrats bro. wish i could have done the same
TRUST ME, it is NOT worth it.. i was doin 9cc per calve per week and got SHIT out of it but PAIN.. dont waste ur time, all u will get is BLOOD and PAI...
as with any other AAS u dont want to use it by itself
not a good idea to run the 2 together.. not b/c of the old misconception of the same receptor site bullshit, but b/c deca is gonna make u put on some ...