Last seen: Dec 22, 2024
I think you get check how pros are using slin on professionalmuscle.com
Originally posted by Gymguy22 acutally alin i take about 7-8g of carb per iu and im fine. also it depends on what type of insulin ur taking. if its hu...
You know that you can die from insulin ? if you dont do it properly. Anyway this is how I am doing slin In mornings MON TUE THUS FRI I take 15 IU insu...
If you eat too much and want to block appetive REDUCTIL works great for me. If you eat too much fat XENICAL. I think that some carb blockers like METF...
I use doxycicline for month in row because I have problems with acnee. Anyway there is a difference between what I am doing and between what I would r...
PMB (personal mail boxes are great) and theysign for you Anyway if you have someone at PMB place and know how to keep him your friend he will let you ...
do not respond ! I am sure that almost nobody respond.
I have took all of them once for shorter period of time. I still like DNP
I take my vitamins twice a day after training with protein shakes and BCAA
anyway if you want help with T3 try that thread/p>
YES ! You are too fat :cow: Change your lifestyle your diet slowly. Do more sport daily, try to drop off sugars and flours from your menu etc... T3 is...
I had great results with low carbs diet and 1.5 g protein per lbs. Sure in the morning I do cardio for 30 minutes on empty stomach and in the evening ...
Originally posted by BigWill Lowering your carbs sheds water... BigWill is right. This is what Chris Aceto writes in his book.
Thats a cutting cycle ? If yes why dbol and test ? Maybe deca will work better. T3 should be took on cycle because make you loose muscle also. Winny d...
I looked on net and seems that ephedrine does not develop addiction.