Eminent Member
Joined: Dec 27, 2018
Last seen: Nov 25, 2021
Topics: 3 / Replies: 17
RE: Anabolic-Steroids.biz Reviews

OK GUYS!! Another order from Anabolic-Steroids.biz without fail. I have only ordered from these guys for the past year now with absolutely no issues e...

3 years ago
RE: Cardio upon waking/first meal question.

Thanks for the input guys. I'll probably start tomorrow.

4 years ago
RE: Cardio upon waking/first meal question.

Per 2 scoops 6g, 3 of which are sugar.

4 years ago
Replies: 14
Views: 2250
RE: How do you do a glute injection ?

Posted by: HOTROCKS What would happen if you main lined tren or test ? It could hit your lungs, heart or brain. The way I do it by myself is t...

5 years ago
RE: Who here pre-exhausts pecs?

Yeah, I'd like to see some pictures/your training routine.

5 years ago
RE: Who here pre-exhausts pecs?

Good deal, be sure to post up the results. I will too, I think it'll have an affect.

5 years ago
RE: Who here pre-exhausts pecs?

Post up some pics, I'd be curious to see how it's worked out for you. Additionally - I've already stated that I have tried doing more presses, etc. Le...

5 years ago
RE: Who here pre-exhausts pecs?

I disagree on the rear delts, I didn't start seeing strong growth in them until I started doing reverse pec-deck flys. I've already stated that I trie...

5 years ago
RE: Who here pre-exhausts pecs?

I don't do any front delt work. I don't think doing bench presses is going to adequately hit lateral delts much less rear delts, so that doesn't reall...

5 years ago
RE: Who here pre-exhausts pecs?

I originally got that split from an article I read by Lee Labrada. Now I do basically one from Championship Bodybuilding(aceto). Chest/bis, quads/calv...

5 years ago
RE: Who here pre-exhausts pecs?

LOL, edited. I meant days, not weeks. I once did a Push, Pull, Legs split, 2 on 1 off, so I basically did everything 2x a week and I didn't make any p...

5 years ago
RE: Who here pre-exhausts pecs?

I do it once every six days, for me recovery wouldn't very possible with training large bodyparts twice a week.

5 years ago
RE: Who here pre-exhausts pecs?

Yeah, same here. I read Jay Cutler's book a while back and he said that doing flat flys before inclines and then another isolation excercise before an...

5 years ago
Replies: 29
Views: 1976
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