Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 12, 2018
Last seen: Jun 24, 2019
Topics: 4 / Replies: 26
RE: 5 weeks cycle of prop and halo, no need for HCG?

my bad I meant halo and prop would be great but winny has too many sides

5 years ago
RE: 5 weeks cycle of prop and halo, no need for HCG?

prop is def a choice and halo at 10mg ed winny woudl suck b/c it gives you too many bad sides unless they had furazabol that would be great

5 years ago
RE: 5 weeks cycle of prop and halo, no need for HCG?

he might just use HCG for pct to play it safe. how long is HCG good for after mixing with water and refridgerated?

5 years ago
RE: 5 weeks cycle of prop and halo, no need for HCG?

so he should do 5 on 7 off and repeat? 5 weeks will only be prop and 3 out of the 5 Halo will be used at 10mg ed this is for endurance and stamina imp...

5 years ago
RE: 5 weeks cycle of prop and halo, no need for HCG?

well he's doing shrt cycles of 5 weeks on and 5 weeks off of prop and 3 out of the 5 weeks on will use halo . he's going to have to use nolva for 4 we...

5 years ago
RE: 5 weeks cycle of prop and halo, no need for HCG?

actually I meant to say the halo will be used for 3 weeks tops at 10 mg ed according to my bro who will use this cycle

5 years ago
RE: Winny ?

Have a friend who goign to experiment and record his achievements and timing. He wants to see how well this will workout for him. he's going to do a 1...

6 years ago
RE: Winny ?

so if one needed to improve my running stamina and endurance how much should a 190 lbs guy take?

6 years ago
RE: Winny ?

well hard to say if winny did anything at all especially if you were using two other gear.

6 years ago
RE: Winny ?

Posted by: dario Listen, I don't know what kind of winny you guys are getting, but 10 mgs /day for me was awesome. I'm very experienced and know my b...

6 years ago
RE: Winny ?

for endurance I would use like they said 150-180 mg a week of test and 20-30 mg of winny ed

6 years ago
RE: Winny ?

10mg of winny a day lol come on now. you must weigh 90 lbs to feel the effect at that low of a dose. I would imagine atleast 25-30 for endurance to ki...

6 years ago
RE: GoAnabolics.Com Reviews

GoA is more than legit. he has provided excellent response time and the product is always great and if its questionable or there's any type of issue h...

6 years ago
RE: ANyone has used Furazabol?

I'm anxious to try it ;-)

6 years ago
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