Active Member
Joined: Sep 20, 2019
Last seen: Jan 24, 2020
Topics: 2 / Replies: 7
RE: Is 400 a possibility

I really can't I am at 5% body fat right now. I am an ex-football player with lost of residual muscle. I am down from 100 kilos, which is an accomplis...

5 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 939
RE: I'm Quitting E....Adverse Reaction

I will give a more comprehensive reply later, little busy right now.Like I said prior any time you inject that needle is going through your skin it is...

5 years ago
RE: I'm Quitting E....Adverse Reaction

Let me also say that your platelets are not elevated b/c of the E. Also it wouldn't elevate your WBC either. EPO doesn't work that way.I am fairly cer...

5 years ago
RE: I'm Quitting E....Adverse Reaction

Looks like your neutrophils are up, which may indicate a bacterial infection. Neutrophils are usually the first on the scene to combat a bacteria. I a...

5 years ago
RE: Pre E Blood Numbers

Nice keep us posted! Any chance you can provide your dosing protocol? Good luck this season.

5 years ago
RE: Kena protocol for a 4 days stage race...

Forgive me I have a few questions....What benefits are there from taking Kenacort or other corticosteriods? Are the better for stage racing rather tha...

5 years ago
RE: Diuretics

I am medicine also, HCTZ works well, little to no sides effects.

5 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 2851