Last seen: Mar 15, 2019
BC dont you think that this compound would have no affinity to androgen receptor? the smallest alteration of the Ligand can abolish the biding affinit...
I think ALRI is playing with fire here
Ok in another study claims that 17beta-trenbolone (17beta-TbOH), the active compound after trenbolone acetate (TBA) administration.Characterisation of...
Posted by: Big Cat No, is needed. SHBG is crucial in transporting andro in the cell and testosterone out of the cell, that is also why SHBG has a hig...
Interesting read
I dont think missing with the down stream G-protein coupled recptors signaling pathways (i.e RAS/RAF) is a good idea. There is alot of stuff that we d...
did any one notice last sentencr " detrimental to cardiac and skeletal muscles even at low doses"i thought that clen was anabolic in rats, so how is i...