Last seen: Jun 20, 2024
I've Run Hcg After And During Cycles So I Have First Hand Experience With Both.listen To Rulz If You Run The Hcg During Cycle Your Balls Will Hang And...
everyone is different when it comes to gear and how they react to it.me personally i have to take a higher dosage when it comes to the pills,not sure ...
if it were me i wouldn't start the aromasin until your done with the drol because it will be useless because drol doesn't aromatise.to combat estrogen...
bumpin nitrateman on the eq!! start out with something simple with the proper diet you will make very good gains off a test only cycle
when i took it it gave me a little pump,certainly not worth the money for me because it made my ass burn every time i crapped!!!!!!
Posted by: gustavo77 Testosterone if it is test E or C will take about 4-5 weeks to kick in fully, the same for the deca, about 4-5 weeks.As far as mi...
stay away from tren bro its not a begginner aas,stick with test/deca or test/eq or test on its own for first couple cycles too see how you react to ge...
i ran test, eq and tren on last cycle and ran proviron thru entire cycle.i didn't feel shut down i was horny all the time.as far as after the cycle i ...
Welcome To The Site Bro!!
i would switch the tren to 300 mgs and the test to 500 mgs.
Posted by: Nitrateman Gustavo is dead on about oral winny at 50 mg per day.You are also taking Var so you need to be taking some serious liver cleanse...
just because you have some gear leftover is no reason to use it,especially for only two weeks, its a waste!! what are your goals and experience?
welcome to the site and enjoy
great to hear bro,good luck and be safe
welcome brother you have made a wise choice.you won't be dissapointed