Last seen: Jun 20, 2024
There is a lot of debate on how to end cycles,the research iv'e done leads me to beleive you should just end the cycle and start pct 2 weeks after las...
Posted by: gustavo77 Hey Sonoma buddy, hope all is well bro!! Hey, how many cycles have you ran in the past and what did you run and for how long?? ...
Posted by: gustavo77 sweet, thanks i appreciated, so just keep nolva on hand incase signs of gyno appear?and what about the T-bol? Is 30 mg for four...
yep looks simple, but don't use the nolva unless needed.maybe add clomid into pct 100 mgs 2-3 weeks then 50 mgs for 2 weeks
Posted by: AltimaSpeed25 80mg a day??I wouldn't try it... i agree with altima the average dosage is 40-60 mgs a day,theres no need to go any hi...
hey bro my advice is too up the andropen to 550mgs a week & the deca to 400 mgs a week this would be a mild cycle and go for 10 weeks.if you take ...
Can't Say I Totally Agree With Ya On That One.first Off Whats Your Stats.being That You Have Been Lifting For That Long I Think The Test,deca Cycle Sh...
awesome post!!!! BUMPIN THIS UP
Posted by: da_Fonz I would start it from the beg and order some more. Def not something you want to do without and I wouldnt start it on week 3 but ...
i would start in week 3 -up til pct or start right away and order some more HCG now
bumpin gus on this you should be fine running them together
your missing the point we are trying to make.yes we are advising you not to take gear but also you don't have a clue what your doing and these two aas...
Posted by: terdferg69 and is there anything i should take with this stack. and how should i stack it? hello and welcome to the site.as already ...
running an oral only cycle may work for the short term but in the long run its a recipe for failure!! any time you do any aas you suppress your natura...
they should be 50 mgs bro