Last seen: Jun 20, 2024
Great To Hear Bro How Bout Some Pics Before And After?
bump gustavo on this my next cycle will include aromasin!!
hey bearpaw gustavo gave you some good advice.you might consider upping the deca as you are a big boy.rule of thumb is usually 2 mgs per lb of body wi...
Posted by: bigmack62 This will be my 3rd Cycle.My stats are:ht: 6'2"wt:235BF:14%I have been training for 13 years and I am 43 yrs old.Here is my nex...
Posted by: gustavo77 Bump Beezie on his cycle recommendation.That cycle will give you nice lean gains, escpecially the t-bol.T-bol is similar to d-b...
welcome to genx bro,the EQ and the d-bol need to be run longer.i would run turanabol instead of the d-bol on your next cycledo your cycle as follows:1...
Posted by: BulKMaN this is my first cycle i want to start, i'm french, what's your opinion ?S1 - 500 decabol / 200 cypionate / 30 diana / 25 nolva /...
why are you running the test so low? i know some of the fella's run thier cycles with low doses of test but what are your goals for this cycle?
Posted by: 31deli 1cc eod primo 1cc eod trenand prop want lean muscle not bulk last cycle i blew up like a deer tick bro if this is your second...
list your stats and i can tell you right upfront do not use tri-tren for a first cycle.i don't care if you did a cycle a few yrs ago its like starting...
for mass a test deca d-bol cycle would be ideal but i would run it like so:test e: 600 mgs weeks 1-12deca 400 mgs weeks 1-11d-bol 40 mgs weeks 1-4liv ...
Posted by: roadrunner Read on another board that AXIO Labs was a brand from Latvia.First I ever heard about this. Pleas commint. does it really...
if you haven't already bought the gear look into these cycles: i think these would be more of cutting cycles with better results.test cyp/enanthanate(...
if your worried about the bloat and sides then the tbol would be a better option.if your looking for that lean summer look then t-bol is a better opti...
this is a tough lesson bro,from now on realize the importance of ancillaries and having your cycle managed from start to finish.i hope you can get som...