Last seen: Dec 30, 2024
post workout 15-20g ... before bed 20-25g on an empty stomach.
I am referring to the GI of the carbs mainly ... anything instant (processed) will yield a higher GI level .. and that IS what the original thread was...
Originally posted by Blind180 I buy the Malt-o-Meal Brand Big Bowl, instant Oatmeal. I compared the Macros to all the other brands, like Quaker and St...
Quick oats are in a sense processed an do have a higher glycemic index. I use Quaker Old Fashioned, microwave for about 2 minutes, add splenda, cinnam...
Originally posted by guysd80 Hey guys, i'm thinking about doing my first cycle starting on the month of december. I'm 5'9, 185 pds, probly 14% BF (thi...
Originally posted by bodiblderrt Hey mr. carey, just sighed up on the forum. I think that you should up all your doses to 2000 mgs of everything. take...
As far as fat loss .. u need a calorie deficit. if u eliminate carbs, then u need fat for energy .. so naturally u would need more fat. yes, keto diet...
Good info .. thanx!
I lost apprx. 160# of fat in less than a year an a half, and gained about 20# muscle on the way. Natural ... by diet an exercise alone. I used powders...
Originally posted by newjuicer Oxi is nasty! Nasty gains and nasty liver tox! Still I love the stuff, if you stack it right you might keep 90% of your...
On day 5 of my 2 week clen cycle: 50mcg x4 ED until day 14. i shake from day 2-16. Mild headaches later in the day ... and fkn cramps (magnesium and p...
I think you should be realistic with your goals .. and that means being honest with yourself. For you to pull that kind of loss off in that amount of ...
Originally posted by ironone1 My diet wasn't that great. I ate alot of fast food cheeseburgers. I just stick with the basics, low carbs high protein. ...
Originally posted by silence twice a day...once with my breakfast, and again post workout with my shake. same here
I have used LR clen an ordered again ... i shake like crazy, cramp, etc. i feel it kick in. mine does have a taste.