Eminent Member
Joined: Jul 28, 2018
Last seen: Sep 16, 2020
Topics: 1 / Replies: 23
RE: l-carnitine revisited

no comment...per say i know that l-carni is available, in ampules for injection. I've seen Vet and Human.

4 years ago
RE: Tren, need advice please

damn, i'm chuckling to myself, almost laughing. holy f- bro that much Tren And i wouldn't be able to go in public. HAHAHA so, when you said edgy...i'm...

5 years ago
RE: bete-alanine for increased endurance

MANY!! supps are including it in the mix. i've tried both. i tend to like the tingling, as it seems to coincide w/ the other stimulating properties ki...

5 years ago
RE: omega 3 and fish oil

i'm currently trying the Life Extensions brand Fish Oil. Not the least expensive, but this was a similar mix to in the Zone, Sears Omega 3 fish oil. T...

5 years ago
RE: Most positive effect on mood?

glad to hear i'm not the only one who doesn't handle tren that well. i'm already a bit edgy...but i'd SNAP over not being able to find my keys. i gues...

5 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 1914
RE: Review my cycle

all those TE shots aren't going to feel so good

5 years ago
RE: test levels

should depend on how low your T level is before you start. i've been doing a trail run of some legit/real deal test gel and after 15-days of daily use...

5 years ago
RE: im not newb but not advanced either

OUCH OUCH OUCH!!! call me a bitch boy but 100mgs of prop and 75 tren...ED. F_that.

6 years ago
RE: Out Of Date EPO?

i'm not an expert but if it's been kept cool...then i think it should be good to go. i did some in june that had expired in July. it anything was just...

6 years ago
RE: EPO Kexing redijects

yo, 400 sounds like your trying to step it up a bit there. products wise...shoot me a PM. let me know how things are going? and don't forget what i to...

6 years ago
RE: epo shipping and storage?

raw: from this question...i assume that you located some of the BIG E. i know we are restricted from saying to much about that. guess thats here nor t...

6 years ago
RE: BuyTestosterone.Net Reviews

Very prompt in communication and delivery. Was always fast to respond to my emails. I was able to verify my product with the lab and it was verified l...

6 years ago
RE: Pain in my butt-for three years

L5/S1don't know how old this is but this is quick reply to..."the butt" pain.i went through and still deal w/ "butt"/left glute pain. after zillions o...

6 years ago
RE: Tren: saying goodbye to an old friend

yeah...i'd have to say that i like that hard and super strong feeling, but i too found myself flying off the handle.... to say the least. quite honest...

6 years ago
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