Last seen: Jan 24, 2024
I must admit, i was nervous with my first order.... british-dragon.org has proven me wrong 3 times now. Ive placed 3 orders over the last 3 months and...
You shouldnt have any problems with the switch. I think switching to test E is fine. I would probably just switch right over, maybe overlapping the tw...
we have nothing to do with any stock of any site bro. Contact their customer support.
What else are you using?
I am getting ready to do this also. Will let you guys know how it works out.
Da Fonz recommends t3 with deca!
I'm pretty sure andropen is the BD brand!
Ive been hearing really good things about syntrop.
yeah bro I full agree with DW here. Listen to him, as he knows what he is talking about. Prop shot eod is the best way to go.
Give us some more info. I just did a little research on D3 and I see that it is a form of vitamin D that is naturally produced by exposure to sun ligh...
Fish oil, NAC, saw palmetto, protein, liv-52, and a good multi vitamin. Ohh I also take vitamin e caps, for heart health!
you need caber asap as stated above. Aromasin, b-6, and provirion will not do the job. Research companies also sell caber in case its your last resort...
The only thing I would ever run with out test is nandrolone, or something lite like tbol(I will not do this in the future). I would not recommend this...
Posted by: morphin your fast 4thAD Haha LMAO
Hi Mac27, The standard dose for ephedrine is 25mg three times a day. You should spread it out through the day, and take with aspirin and caffeine.Ephe...