Last seen: Jan 3, 2024
rule of thumb is ,time on= time off. for best results try to stick to this rule
i use .5 mg eod. i think you are thinking of nov,that will hinder gains and should only be used if the armidex fails
it is usually used in womens cycles. it is very expensive,and not worth the money imo! run a search on it and im sure you will find all the info you n...
Originally posted by finafire I might be wrong on this bro but I don't believe the test being suspended in water or oil is what determines the frequen...
i think you will produce the same results without the eq. save it for next time!
or thanksgiving for that matter lol fuck it start tomorrow
actually pct for both sustenon and deca are the same,3 wks after your last shot. oh and btw welcome aboard!
my advice to you is STOP , you are going to cost yourself a fortune in new shirts. and your going to have big muscles,and you wont be able to reach ar...
good job bro,keep it up!
yes alin your summery looks good
with a 12 wk cycle i would just use clomid.
testicular atrophy means te complete shut down of natural test production. clomid will restore NTR ,but hcg wont
Originally posted by Alin [ no way. PROs use HCG every 4 weeks when they do all year round testosterone. [/B] thats the reason they use it! for yr rou...
hcg wont be needed in a 12 wk cycle bro its used on longer cycles. it does nothing to help aid in recovery and could be more harmfull then good in sho...
welcome bro kev is actually one of the smaller mods here at Grow,lol check out the forums and enjoy yourself!