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WTF is this painful neck/throat feeling

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it happened when i woke up yesterday, then came back rough last night and this morning. Swallowing dosn't hurt, but breathing kinda does. And the pain is only on the right side. It's in the area where you check your pulse, like if the artery hurts, but i dunno if that's possible, is it?i have been off everything for a month so i don't think it's gear. any ideas? pain feels like i got punched in one spot

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Gently rub your index and middle finger over the area. Then do the same thing to the opposite side of your neck. If you feel little balls on the painful side and not on your opposite side, could be swollen lymph nodes. Not really a big deal, your just fighting something. If it is affecting your breathing, you need to seek medical assistance. In the medical field, you are assessed first according to the ABC's. Airway, breathing, and circulation. Could be thyroid probs. Like I said, if it is affecting your airway...go to a doc.

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I just had strep-throat and it started like that. I still have my tonsils and one swelled up big one day and was sore as hell....the other did the same the next day. I felt like a truck hit me and had a fever. If you start feeling this way too I would go to your doc.

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thanx, the breathing has gotten better... i have also noticed that when i turn my head to my left and swallow, i feel the pain on the right side of my throat... i'm gonna try and get thru this day, but if i still have porbs tomorrow, i'll be seeing the ER
