Who here is a loner...
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Who here is a loner?

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Yup, I am pretty much a loner. I can be somewhat antisocial in real life also unless I am either in a situation where I have to talk (Work) or if I spend enough time around people and get to know them. I hate social gatherings also. No partys, concerts, hanging out at bars or any shit like that. I would rather spend my time alone or with a few of my good friends, not a whole group of people that I hardly know and/or hardly like. This part of me even extends to large family gatherings. I get extreamly bored and feel no need to sit and talk for hours and hours when I could be doing more productive things with my time. I mean family is family, what the hell do I have to sit down with them for hours every weekend when I see them more then enough during the week anyway?

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I'm like Goanna in the sense that I don't like party's or big social gatherings. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin around a lot of people. I prefer being with a small group of close friends or family.

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I am a loner, but I do find that I need to have some interaction with peaple on a regular basis, like once a week. Whether be it, hanging out with a group of peaple from one of my class's for a couple of hours or having lunch with a girl I just met in the cafateria line. Nothing long term, just a brief social interaction to keep me sane. Dave

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I'm like alot of the guys on here it seems, I like to selectively socialise only - I can't abide being round acquatancies all day, for example a full time bar job to pay for college - no way - i just get sick to fuck of being around people and want time alone to just chill. As far as spending all day for a whole weekend etc together, it's only really GFs who I'm like that with. The rest, I have 3 very close buddies who are thick as thieves, then a wider bunch through soccer etc who we meet upwithonce or twice a week. People I work with - I don't have enough in common for them not to get on my tits after a while, and the last thing I want is to see them after work as well!

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Males who are "social butterflies" seem to gauge their self esteem entirely on other people's opinions. I don't need other people to validate my self worth. I have many acquaintances, but few friends. I was stupid and got taken advantage of a number of times in my life. I like to think I can smell it from a mile away nowadays. I get offended when I think someone is trying to use me and probably overreact. People close to me often accuse me of being paranoid, but I know it hasn't negatively affected my ability to enjoy life.

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Originally posted by Goanna Yup, I am pretty much a loner. I can be somewhat antisocial in real life also unless I am either in a situation where I have to talk (Work) or if I spend enough time around people and get to know them. I hate social gatherings also. No partys, concerts, hanging out at bars or any shit like that. I would rather spend my time alone or with a few of my good friends, not a whole group of people that I hardly know and/or hardly like. This part of me even extends to large family gatherings. I get extreamly bored and feel no need to sit and talk for hours and hours when I could be doing more productive things with my time. I mean family is family, what the hell do I have to sit down with them for hours every weekend when I see them more then enough during the week anyway? Damn so its not just me! I hate to be in a group, hate social gatherings, hanging out at bars etc and even family gathering. I would rather be with just one person or be alone. Its just so difficult and aweward to communicate in a group setting. I find 1-1 much more sincere and enjoyable, but the other person have to be a talker 😀 😀

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anyone else feel more and more isolated the larger the group gets. when i'm out with one person or a even a few i can't stop talking but when the group gets large i sit as far away from everyone as possible and just sort of space out.

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So we're opposite of what they call teamplayer 😀

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I moved away from my closest friends and have not made any new ones. I find it difficult to make friends because the type of people in my economic circle aren't wild enough, and the normally wild ones are not intelligent or wealthy enough to keep up with me. I'm also kind of an elitist so if you don't have my game you are beneath me. One thing for sure though is that my closest friends and childhood pals know that I would kill/die for them, no questions asked. Are you guys similar? Have only 3-4 extremely close friends that know you and each other inside out?

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Originally posted by Satan anyone else feel more and more isolated the larger the group gets. when i'm out with one person or a even a few i can't stop talking but when the group gets large i sit as far away from everyone as possible and just sort of space out. I do the exact same thing. But a few of my friends are just like me so if they are there we all will leave the group and hang out together, lol.

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Originally posted by FOX Riddle me this... Why is it, that every woman I meet, eventually says.... "I want to go out! I want to be around people! I need some excitement! I need to socialize!! I am a people-person!" Is this strictly a female phenomena? Why on earth would you want to constantly be around people and bathe in the toxins people bring to the table? And then its damned if you do, and damned if you dont. You end up getting bitched at for not going out, but then when you do go out she fuckin whines about something the whole time. Case in point: Remember my psycho ex flame I mentioned who slowly hijacked my home and made it hers? She always wanted to go out, and then when we did, she would complain about "that bitch over there who keeps looking at you" (WHERE?? 🙂 ) or..."Lets go! Somehwhere else!" During the summers, I would bounce at a club to pad my income. Which sucked considering I hate people and most especially large groups of them under the influence of alcohol and whatever else. She would bitch because I was there all night, but then she would show up there in her best garb just to fuck with me and spy on me. Then she would attempt to hang out next to me while I am doing my job, then make a scene when I would tell her to beat it. With people and with most women...in the end you lose. The answer to the riddle is simple. Girls are insecure. Especially the pretty ones. They need to be around people to have a sense of self-worth. I'm not making this up. Girls have actually told me that before. FOX

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Originally posted by SoCalJay I moved away from my closest friends and have not made any new ones. I find it difficult to make friends because the type of people in my economic circle aren't wild enough, and the normally wild ones are not intelligent or wealthy enough to keep up with me. I'm also kind of an elitist so if you don't have my game you are beneath me. One thing for sure though is that my closest friends and childhood pals know that I would kill/die for them, no questions asked. Are you guys similar? Have only 3-4 extremely close friends that know you and each other inside out? yup i've def. noticed that the older i got the smaller my group of friends has gotten. basically only the real close ones are still around. i think u tend to have more friends when you're younger because u are forced to see people everyday (high school).

metal machine
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I am not a loner. I am a born leader, and a leader needs people to lead. So I run a company, I lead groups on mountain climbing expeditions, and coach kids at sports. I actually don't have much time alone. At a deeply personal level, there are only a couple of people that I know of who are intelligent, orginal, and stimulating. These are true friends, but I don't get a chance to talk with them often. So most of the time I keep my thoughts to myself (to be a good leader, never, ever, open up too much to people, because that gives them power). Tom Hanks in Private Ryan was a good leader... That being said when training I can't stand any type of socialization, unless some sexy chick wants to say something to me. If she's got boobs I can be convinced to socialize... Metal

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its lonely at the top. Who said you cant be a loner and a good leader?

reservoir dawg
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some chicks really do judge guys on their friends.. so sometimes when meeting chicks it is important to show that social worth.. however unfair it is.. those ones seem like the gold diggers and are looking for a husband i think...

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