Who here is a loner...
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Who here is a loner?

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I don't spend all my time alone but I find I do enjoy many things more when I do them by myself. I also find that if I spend a lot of time with a certain group of people I start to get a little edgy in their company and they get on my nerves. Anyone else like this? Are you a loner or semi-loner? Do you just love groups and are a complete fucking social butterfly, you weirdo? haha

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I am a 100% lone wolf... I find that being amongst your average group of people causes me great pain. The process begins when I am amongst the group and discover I have nothing in common with them, the second step is me being tortured by their verbal diarrhea until I decide to end the social encounter. I have found that 95% of people offer me nothing in terms of social fun and stimulating conversation. I can only be myself either alone or occasionally with someone much like myself in terms of beliefs and lifestyle. Every time I begin to miss social interaction and give in, I quickly learn that I was better of being alone in the first place very quickly. FOX

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Sounds like we are cut from the same cloth FOX. This tends to destroy any romantic or potentially romantic relationships for me also. It's hard to maintain a relationship with a woman when her constant stream of inane bullshit she calls conversation makes my want to gouge out my eyes. If it weren't for the sex I wouldn't even bother trying.

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i know very few people that i can talk to on the intellectual level i need. i have a few friends that are smart but they don't feel like debating all the time like i do. i have a few friends that i hang out w/regularly but i definitely need alone time just to ponder things. i guess i just think too much for most people.

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i'm not a loner but i def. like a decent amount of alone time to ponder things and sort out whatever im dealing with

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Yep, kind of a loner here too. I would rather have one or two good, close friends than a bunch of friends. I start to feel like I'm spread too thin if I'm with a big group of people. Also, I think its the lifestyle I like to lead. I like to workout, surf, go camping and fishing and eat healthy. I'm not into going to happy-hours, drinking to get drunk, taking drugs (rec. drugs), etc. Most people I meet can't keep up with my active lifestyle. And you guys are right about the conversation/intellectual level as well. I tend to run a bit deeper than most people I meet. PS. Mac, that's a great quote you have on your signature....I love Hunter S. Thompson and "Fear and Loathing..."!

Deca Ready
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Yep,I'm a loner and enjoy it! I find if there are too many people around like a shopping mall I can't take it and need to just get out and breathe as with traffic and dealing with people's shit. I've found the best way to stay balanced and at peace is to avoid most people and to just pick out a few good ones that make you feel good.

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Originally posted by deca Ready I've found the best way to stay balanced and at peace is to avoid most people and to just pick out a few good ones that make you feel good. agreed

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the more people you deal with the bigger a chance you have of getting screwed by one of them eventually.. my circle is small...by my own choosing... none of them are debaters either....if i picked people that liked to debate as friends then they would soon tire of it anyhow, as off the internet i do not enter debates i cannot win.

Deca Ready
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Originally posted by kapn [B]the more people you deal with the bigger a chance you have of getting screwed by one of them eventually.. Yes,speaking of that I just got screwed over for $20 and for the millionath time I still give people a chance but they continue to screw me over.. Except for everyone here and oh yeah all the hot chicks are cool too:biglaugh:

Deca Ready
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Originally posted by kapn the more people you deal with the bigger a chance you have of getting screwed by one of them eventually.. my circle is small...by my own choosing... none of them are debaters either....if i picked people that liked to debate as friends then they would soon tire of it anyhow, as off the internet i do not enter debates i cannot win.

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Originally posted by Deca Ready

Originally posted by kapn [B]Yes,speaking of that I just got screwed over for $20 and for the millionath time I still give people a chance but they continue to screw me over.. $20 friends are the easiest to get rid of. If they screw you over that little amount of $$$, then they aren't worth even having.

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yeah, when i lend anything less than 100 bucks to a friend or them to me its not really lending, more like a gift, a gift that can be given back to me when i need some loot... we have a no payback policy...just give when the other needs it and it is the others job to make sure he doesnt need to often...

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I'm a loner and have been for most of my life. I've tried having good friends, but I've ended up getting screwed over enough times I said fuck it. There's only one person I know I can trust, and that's me. I can only handle being around people for so long before everything they say and do gets on my nerves. I've never liked crowds or crowded places for the same reason, people start getting on my nerves.

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Riddle me this... Why is it, that every woman I meet, eventually says.... "I want to go out! I want to be around people! I need some excitement! I need to socialize!! I am a people-person!" Is this strictly a female phenomena? Why on earth would you want to constantly be around people and bathe in the toxins people bring to the table? And then its damned if you do, and damned if you dont. You end up getting bitched at for not going out, but then when you do go out she fuckin whines about something the whole time. Case in point: Remember my psycho ex flame I mentioned who slowly hijacked my home and made it hers? She always wanted to go out, and then when we did, she would complain about "that bitch over there who keeps looking at you" (WHERE?? 🙂 ) or..."Lets go! Somehwhere else!" During the summers, I would bounce at a club to pad my income. Which sucked considering I hate people and most especially large groups of them under the influence of alcohol and whatever else. She would bitch because I was there all night, but then she would show up there in her best garb just to fuck with me and spy on me. Then she would attempt to hang out next to me while I am doing my job, then make a scene when I would tell her to beat it. With people and with most women...in the end you lose. FOX

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