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sex question..please dont read if youre easily offended

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Originally posted by brenda i like kinky, taboo things. the idea of it turns me on. Yep that's why I like doing it with my GFs. Brenda, can you come from just buttsex, no clitoral contact? A few of my GFs have been able to, including my current, and she comes very quickly from it. Most of the other GFs need clit contact with a finger or vibe to come

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Originally posted by Durabolin Yep that's why I like doing it with my GFs. Brenda, can you come from just buttsex, no clitoral contact? A few of my GFs have been able to, including my current, and she comes very quickly from it. Most of the other GFs need clit contact with a finger or vibe to come sometimes. i usually use a finger on my clit at the same time, so it's hard to tell. i like variety in sex play.

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i started with a finger. we were pretty intoxicated the first time, so she was nice and relaxed already. sober, we couldnt do it. as said, start slow with your finger to get her used to it. insert your male unit slowly. once in, go slow. she'll dig it once you do it. my last girlfriend wouldnt let me. i wasnt into it much anyways. i liek the pussy much more. but hey, if she enjoys it, go for it. good luck bro. slick

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Alright, since I just had the joy of experiencing this, I will put in my 2 cents. First ofcourse, is just talk to her about the idea, joke around and what not, but since you said she is already boarder line about the idea then that is where I about started, this is what I did... Whenever we had sex, and she was on top, I would just kinda grab her ass really firmly, and I would just get closer and closer to her anal. Sooner or later when she was on top I was pretty much grabbing so my fingers where right in her crack resting on it. I did that for awhile. Then one day, I was just fingering her, making her really hot, then I just slowly kept touching her anal, and making sure she was alright with what I was doing.... I don’t know the exact words we where exchanging but it was pretty much just asking her if she was alright, if she wanted me to stop and what not. She was fine, so finally I just got out the lube and was about to have my first anal sex experience. I went really slow and you could kinda tell she wasnt enjoying it, or was kinda getting a bit hurt so I just stopped on my own, she would have kept on going but I could tell she just didnt want to disappoint me so I stopped on my own. A few days later we got a hotel room and we obviously had plans to just have sex all night, and she actually brought up the idea of trying again. Went nice and slow, and made sure well I was doing it I was rubbing her clit and what not so it was very nice for her as well. It went much better that time and I got to finish. She is asking to do it again now =) (Oh ya, that 7% figure of girls doing anal I think is kinda low, maybe because its my age, but my generation of girls seem to be doing it / trying it more)

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ahhh Congrats Umaro!!!!!!!!! good for you! *smile* Cutie

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my reco is: a large dose of GHB some vasoline and a running start.

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Originally posted by kapn my reco is: a large dose of GHB some vasoline and a running start. there are other ways you know Cutie

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Done it, will do it again...gets better each time...but my bf knows what he is doing! take the slow and gradual approach. A finger, then two, you know. Tell your girl to try it once, and let her try something new on you...

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It is best done if you are really relaxed... try a couple of drinks and a lot of lubrication, fingers, and my specialty is a smooth vibrator all lubed up... that kinda breaks the "seal" and lets you enter in w/o too much pain. I have found it to be really pleasurable, but I don't want it all the time... it is just a freaky/kinky thing to do that spices up your sex life...

adam ryan
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yeah baby!!! i havent had it yet either but i can tell you 1 things for damned sure, the anal passage is fucking smooth as and alot tighter than the vagina! overt he years my urge to hit it has risen to the point im about to explode! (a very common term for me as of the last 6 months :)) but i do get my fingers in there and do other things but thats all im allowed to get 🙁 but i know for sure that what my fingers felt feels fucking great have fun 🙂 btw suzieQ i added you from another account if you dont mind?

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[QUOTE=Cutieface]anal sex if done properly can be very enjoyable and orgasmic.... best thing to do is to start off getting her used to and enjoying being stimulated your mouth when you're going down on her and using your finger while she's very lubricated and inserting while pe rforming oral on her.....when she's used to being touched there and used to your fingers pleasuring her that way....start off w/ a nice bottle of wine, candle lite (mood always helps) and warm massage oil...give her a really sexy relaxing massage....using your hands, your mouth...I'm sure you don't need specific details....when she's really relaxed....if you can use the missionary position.....and a lot of lubrication...once you've gotten past the spinctor muscle and are in...STOP! and don't move right away giving her a chance to get used to feel ing you inside her....w/ the mis sionary position she's got more of the control on how deep/fast you can go/move....then very slowly...gently when she's ready....move....short, slow strokes... before you know it she'll ask you for it good luck *smile* Cutie I have performed it with some of my female friends plenty of times......but by the way you say it......WOW I am ready to go again!

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In porn, they always have an enema before filming. Whether that makes it easier for the woman or just less messy I don't know.

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