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Originally posted by Satan get rid of her and do it real cold and caculated. look her in the eye like you're looking right through her soul and tell her it's over. no need for hateful remarks just get straight to the point and then leave. this bitch deserves to suffer and that's the best way to leave her guessing. they hate it when they get dumped in an emotionless manner. No she does not even deserve that. Just stop talking to her all together. Do not answer her calls no emails or IM. Nothing. make it like you disapeared! that way it will be easier for me to fuck the shit out of her dirty slut ass and turn her into a bolex slut! Satans GOT DIRTY SECONDS! LOL burnout

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Originally posted by Cyberburnout Good idea McBastard. Oh yeah the kid was born and we named her after you. LOL bro this is sad to see. All the signs are there in you face but you are trying rationalize them. She is fucking around period! She may not have physically slept with anyone but mentally she is finding her way out of your relationship. She is afraid of hurting you because she does care for you, but she is unhappy with you. There is nothing you can do to change this, she is a person still finding who she is. She is going to be a bolex slut soon enough. So my advise to you go fuck her freind! I am not joking. This hurts a woman more then anything else you can do to them. you could beat her ass but it will heal. You can break her windows but they will be fixed. You fuck her freind and she will never trust another woman near her man again, even if she was trying to cheat. She will always think in the back o f her mind that it can happen thus ruining any chance for her to have a long lasting meaningful relationship ever again! YOU WIN! burnout LOL. Wow, anohter McBastard, who'd have thought. Man, that's gold, never thought just how much fucking a chicks best friend could fuck her up like that. im reallly kicking myself for not boinkin my ex's friend when i had the chance. Ah well, I'll boink my next GF's best friend. Proble solved.

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Originally posted by McBastard LOL. Wow, anohter McBastard, who'd have thought. Man, that's gold, never thought just how much fucking a chicks best friend could fuck her up like that. im reallly kicking myself for not boinkin my ex's friend when i had the chance. Ah well, I'll boink my next GF's best friend. Proble solved. And now you know! i have made it a rule to do so when the relationship is going south. Tell the GF that her freind is hottier then her and is a better fuck when you done. LOL thats is just a bonus to deminish her selfworth. Even bang her ugly freind and say they same thing! LOL burnout

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Beautiful Cyber. Though on time I got out of going to see Erin brockovitch (sp) cause i told my then GF I had a mad crush on Julia Roberts. Didn't work for Jennifer lopez and "maid in manhatten" cause I think my ex had a crush on her too (don't ask) UPDATE Sustaman, any word? Another one I though of: Send her flowers somewhere, but don't put any card or name on it, and see if she says anything. if there's chances she has a new beau and thinks they could be from him, she won't mention it to you. Bust her accordingly.

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Originally posted by Satan get rid of her and do it real cold and caculated. look her in the eye like you're looking right through her soul and tell her it's over. no need for hateful remarks just get straight to the point and then leave. this bitch deserves to suffer and that's the best way to leave her guessing. they hate it when they get dumped in an emotionless manner. Great advice, susaman listen to this....serouisly.. I will do the same as soon as my next girlfriend gets out of line...

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ahh... personally i would have kept banging her as well as any other chicki encountered... when she finally let you in on the news she found someone you can come right back and tell her you've been "finding" people for a pretty long while now...

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hmmmm sounds familiar, listen dude. RElax and enjoy yourself while yoru at college, meet new people, do new things. Do not let yourself regret not doing what you wanted to do, without worryign about what she might think. FAce the facts, shes obvuisouly a cool chick, whos an athelete, guy and girl atheletes are together all the time, especially the ones from the same sport, they all have an emmediate thign in common. shes got guys calling her, big fing deal, yoru not married, shes in college, can she have friends???YES SHE CAN, looks lik eyo need to explore the world a little bit, it doesbt mean you guys have to cheat on eachtoher, but give eachtoher some space, be allowed to see other people if you want, cause its going nowhere but down from here. shes out there having fun, doign whta shes doing and your here typing on the internet about her. do u get my drift?

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I can't believe you guys who won't dump a girl cause she's "smokin hot" big damn deal...she's hot but she's a cheating, lying untrustable bitch don't even have any future contact w/ her save yourself from that immaturity and get on w/ your life Cutie

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Fuck her! Break Camp! She is setting you up for much heart break! Go see her, have sex, then tell her you need space, maybe see others - youre not sure about the relationship. Several things will happen: The sex will change the way she hears the news, beat her to the breakup punch and she will question what she is about to lose. You will be offensive, not defensive and control the situation. If she says OK good, go and don't call or talk to her. She may contact you - I promise she will love you more when you leave than if you don't. If she beats you to the punch - she controlls the game, and you will get smoked! As for the somkin hot part - there are more, and hotter! Who cares how hot if she dumps you. Go now, save youre self. If you go, she will follow. If not your still in charge of your nuts! Good luck bro!

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Originally posted by Cutieface I can't believe you guys who won't dump a girl cause she's "smokin hot" big damn deal...she's hot but she's a cheating, lying untrustable bitch don't even have any future contact w/ her save yourself from that immaturity and get on w/ your life Cutie i agree...smoking hot means shit... personally i'd rather have a chick that is loyal and does what i want in bed over anything else.

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Originally posted by kapn i agree...smoking hot means shit... personally i'd rather have a chick that is loyal and does what i want in bed over anything else. maybe more of you guys ought to be loyal to your woman and do what she wants in bed! Cutie

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Originally posted by Cutieface maybe more of you guys ought to be loyal to your woman and do what she wants in bed! Cutie hey now... i do whatever is asked, provided it doesnt involve another penis..:D

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Originally posted by kapn hey now... i do whatever is asked, provided it doesnt involve another penis..:D ok then....(taking notes) LOL Cutie

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