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I hate to be the one to break it to you, but girls are fucking crazy. Trust me I am one, I know. If you still love her, you're not going to let her go no matter what anyone on here tells you to do. If you've been together for 4 yrs and you still love her and think "she's smokin hot" then you've probably got a good thing going on together. Maybe you should go up to her school and "surprise" her one weekend, see if everything is up to par. If she just went off to college I'm guessing she's pretty young and so are you. Stay as long as the feeling is there, if you bust her doing something she really shouldn't be doing then leave. I work in an environment where guys hit on me a lot and many times they're drunk. I have tons of guy friends that call me to see what's up, but I'd never cheat on my man. I know what a lucky girl I am. Emails and phone calls are harmless. Don't stress, I'm sure she loves you.

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Originally posted by Sustaman83 ok, ive been with this girl for 4 years now. I love her to death, and dont want to lose her. She's away at college playing soccer and has been real good so far. Just the other night i checked her voicemail and these two drunk track fags left her a message saying how they really wanted her to come over ect... I confronted her about it and she said she didnt know who they were and basically lied to me. Well today i found a dating website on her email. I checked it out and she created a profile saying her stats and how she was just looking for pure physical no attachments. I asked her about it and she said it was a joke her and her teamates. My question is im ready to break it off with her because i cant stand being lied to , but i know i will always miss her and i dont want to regret it for the rest of my life. Any advice??? Should i just do it and get it over with? This suxs:( Oh on top of it she is smokin hot... And how would i deal with no sex after having it steady all these years... Sounds like she's cheating or going to. id tell her what u think, if any doubt dump her, also sounds like the main reason ur staying with her is easy good sex. well get out there n get someone else that isnt cheating

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Dude you check her voice mail and e-mail? Sound a little controlling to me. That would be a great question, are you a control freak or do both of you have access to each others stuff? If both do then you just sound a little worried, but if not then ............College is a place where the both of you will meet new people and do new things. I got married before college hoping my high school sweety and I could be together. Well 1st yr there I was partying my ass off. ( Get the pic?)

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yeh we both had a very trusting relationship and we both have access to each others stuff. I usually never check her stuff but lately its been wierd. I know girls are fucking nuts. I love her but at the same time dont want to get walked on. im leaving for the marines soon and if its like this now it will only get worse when i leave. Thanks

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Bro she's looking and looking hard. Wake up and smell the coffee. I agree with Valryan, if you're whipped you'll take any scrap you can get off the table, and thank her for it too. Ever think about swinging? Dr. Laura

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dude girls are meesed up maybee she isnyt lying maybee she is play it cool dont let ya emotions go to far and jsut see how it rools out ...dammi hate girls and there games ..i feel for ya buddy

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tuff pill to swallow mate.... is she lieing? "all lies lead to the truth"

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I hate to be the one to break it to you, but girls are fucking crazy. Trust me I am one, I know. If you still love her, you're not going to let her go no matter what anyone on here tells you to do. If you've been together for 4 yrs and you still love her and think "she's smokin hot" then you've probably got a good thing going on together. Maybe you should go up to her school and "surprise" her one weekend, see if everything is up to par. If she just went off to college I'm guessing she's pretty young and so are you. Stay as long as the feeling is there, if you bust her doing something she really shouldn't be doing then leave. I work in an environment where guys hit on me a lot and many times they're drunk. I have tons of guy friends that call me to see what's up, but I'd never cheat on my man. I know what a lucky girl I am. Emails and phone calls are harmless. Don't stress, I'm sure she loves you.

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This relationship is going downhill fast...unfortunately. There is nothing wrong with hacking into her personal life now and then. Hey...I guess its better than beating them LOL. Seriously...the truth will set you free..even if you had to hack it to get there. FOX

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If you're getting lied to now, it's only gonna get worse until she drives you a) nuts or b) away. End it now before you find out something that's gonna devastate you.

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get rid of her and do it real cold and caculated. look her in the eye like you're looking right through her soul and tell her it's over. no need for hateful remarks just get straight to the point and then leave. this bitch deserves to suffer and that's the best way to leave her guessing. they hate it when they get dumped in an emotionless manner.

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Now i know why you are called Satan:D LOL

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Wanna find out? Set up a dummy account on the dating place she's at, and when she bites (I'll send you my picture dude :p , she'll bite) set up a meeting place like a hotel or something. Get there early and wait for her. If she opens the door, well, you know what to do. And if she doesn't show up...well, then you know she's really just "joking around". But if she keeps up with this flirting and joking around, i would start "joking around" at the strip joint and the bars and her best friends anus....:D Good luck bro.

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Good idea McBastard. Oh yeah the kid was born and we named her after you. LOL bro this is sad to see. All the signs are there in you face but you are trying rationalize them. She is fucking around period! She may not have physically slept with anyone but mentally she is finding her way out of your relationship. She is afraid of hurting you because she does care for you, but she is unhappy with you. There is nothing you can do to change this, she is a person still finding who she is. She is going to be a bolex slut soon enough. So my advise to you go fuck her freind! I am not joking. This hurts a woman more then anything else you can do to them. you could beat her ass but it will heal. You can break her windows but they will be fixed. You fuck her freind and she will never trust another woman near her man again, even if she was trying to cheat. She will always think in the back o f her mind that it can happen thus ruining any chance for her to have a long lasting meaningful relationship ever again! YOU WIN! burnout

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