Gee since some of the oldies are popin I will spit out a thread..BigWill, JP, Deuce, Flex can bump my scrawny ass up been around a few times and old school I am..:Banane07:
welcome 🙂 Cman
welcome bro
How's the prep coming?
welcome brother
Hey Storm... good to see you back home. This week we'll have the members pics section back up.... so you can show some newbies whats what JP.
Prep started last week taking some pics tomorrow..Already dropped weight (234lbs) fast I hate that..Just trying to balance out what to do with my fast metabolism..I am sure carbs will have to go up..I have another appt on monday to get my BF tested again so if it has gone down I will be happy..I will say my legs dried out the last week and are fuller as my carb rotaion is spread out better then my normal eating style.. Howdy AL good to see you buddy..I will post up the pics in the competiton section.Storm
Can always show where it started at 16 weeks out 240lbs...9.11% bf
Looking good Storm... I always hated you for that fast metabolism. 🙂
To be in good company....:bananapowerslide:
Hey, Stormshadow. Welcome back! hehehehe
Harcknhar har!! That was an insult jiggynutz!! Why you gots to be dat way?!?! Again only one Storm and that's me..Here is a 6 day eating for me I gave to my prep guy..This is waht I eat to be 240's and 9%bf this was actually a decent 6 days since I normally have alot more fast food in there... Sunday 10:30am Golden corral buffet half a plate of eggs 10 pc of bacon Cinnaomon roll 4 pancakes 16oz of unsweet tea 2:30pm 2 cans of light tuna in water Uncle bens 90sec brown rice bag 16oz of grape suger free koolaide 5:00pm 3 scoops of muscle milk 9:00pm two 6oz filet mignon rare 16oz of water 12:00am 3 scoops of muscle milk Monday 10:30am 5 whole eggs 1 egg white 4 pcs of turkey kelbasa 16oz of grape koolaide suger free 2pm 2 cans tuna light in water 1 bag uncle bens 90 sec brown rice 16oz of grape koolaide 3pm workout serving of BCCAA grape drink 5pm prolab n-large 4 scoops plus 1 scoop of mucle milk 8:00pm Hardee's double meat thick burger with cheese and bacon.. Maybe 10 fries 32oz of Dr. Pepper 12:00AM 3 SCOOPS MUSCLE MILK 1 SCOOP 25G ION WHEY Tuesday 9:30am 6 eggs (jumbo) 1 egg white 6 pcs of turkey kelbasa 1 cup oatmeal 16oz of kool aide 12:00pm 3 scoops muscle milk 1:00pm train BCAA grape dronk 3:00pm big cheese burger at cheesecake factory a few fries. 32oz unsweet tea 6:00pm 3 scoops muscle milk 12:00am wendys triple stck biggie fries 320z of unsweet tea wed (really bad day) 9:30AM 3 scoops muscle milk 1 cup of old fashion oatmeal 2pm 2 cans tuna in water and 1 bag 90 sec brown rice 6pm 20pcs of sushi tuna 6pcs of salmon 4pcs of eel 6pcs of california roll 11pm 3 scoops muacle milk Thursday 10am 5 eggs 1 egg white 1 cup oatmeal 12pm 3 scoops oatmeal 2pm train 4pm big steak burrito at local salsa fresh 8pm one large dbl meat pizza pappa johns bought two of them 12pm 3 scoops muscle milk Friday 7am 2 scoops muscle mik 3pcs of dbla meat pizza cold 11:30 dbl meat roat beef sandwich from panera bread 2:30 5pcs of dbl meat pizza 3:30 train 5pm iso whey handful of almonds 9:30pm Calamari 9oz fliet mignon some mashed potatoes
great to see ya back bro:Banane09:
LOL! My apologies.