haha!!! far out! never ceases to amaze me. dont even get me started on biased opinions. for example, i was unable by law to put a 16 point racing roll cage and floor supports in my road car. NOW!!! THIS WOULD SAVE MY LIFE IN ANY ACCIDENT UNLESS I DROVE INTO A LAKE UNCONCIOUS. yet im not allowed by law.... reasoning? it would make me too hard to get out in an accident over the door supports. BUT ID BE ALIVE YOU FUCKS!!! they would rather pull your body parts out sepdragon pharmately. moral of the story?? people makes stupid fucken decisions to make their lives easier and to fit in. im sure if half of the RTAs children rolled their cars into a tree at high speed they would be a little more considerate.... now back to the steroid debarcle after my nice rant... to compare them to smoking is to take the easy way out and to fit in! why is it illegal? oh because they couldn't be fucked writing out so many prescriptions and facing the fac they have been wrong for the last 20 years. too many reasons to even get started. i say fuck em. buy it for a giggle, then go and get a few roast chooks chow down, get a dart full of prop and hit your quad whilst laughing at the poor fucks we call authority and pollies. done and done.
Originally posted by RicPhoenix It is interesting that the use of anabolics is being debated considering the millions using anabolics for anti ageing and to address libido issues. It would seem that now that medicos have found a use for anabolics they have suddenly become more "acceptable" for use...could it be that the $$$$ have a voice? Yep exactly. I'm hoping the increased momentum of the anti-aginhg movement will have some effect on the legislation that criminalises AAS.
Amen.... I'm only alive because of an anti-ageing practitioner.... we need a voice in the system.
Isnt 'Mens Health' a gay magazine aimed at the pink dollar ?? :p
What exactly is so crap about it? I've never read it myself. Couldn't be much worse than muscle rags certainly.
I actually like the mag.... some reasonable info in it each month.... a lot of it is pitched at "weekend warriors"..... but that aside, it works. Cheers