Men's health Magazine has an article in the November issue about steroid use. Although its pretty anti-use it does acknowledge that it can be benifical in moderation. It has a Harvard medical school specialist in steroid abuse comparing juicers to smokers of the 50s, saying that the long term negitive side effects are not known. Anyway thought it might interest some? I thought someone might have already posted something up about it but i did a search and couldnt find anything. Cheers.
But seriously needmass...i think the comparing of juicers to smokers is crap!!! Wow and to think its from a HArvard medical specialist!!!!! I suppose they think that inhaling smoke can be beneficial to the human body!! 😀 Anyone care for some abestos?
I read that article and it was he biggest wank i have read about steroids in a long time.
lol, maybe im the only guy that is gonna say this but thx for the info needmass 🙂
People have been using steroids for over 50 years now. The long term effects are known.
I thought they handled the issue reasonably....... after all, they can hardly endorse an illegal practice can they.....
not a prob gotgear and i totally agree sanctum2k.
To me thay appeared to to put forward the view that responsible use is OK. I know one of the Directors of Murdoch Magazines and I'm sure they had pretty heated debate on whether to run this line or not. Personally, I related pretty well to the bloke in the article so signed up here to do a bit more research.
It is interesting that the use of anabolics is being debated considering the millions using anabolics for anti ageing and to address libido issues. It would seem that now that medicos have found a use for anabolics they have suddenly become more "acceptable" for use...could it be that the $$$$ have a voice?
i thought it was a joke how they were saying that a 14 year old hopped on the juice and stabbed his girlfriend due to roid rage ......i hate it when they blame it on that ......i dont evan think roid rage evan exists if it does you can and i can deffinatly control it lol
roid rage definately exists....... no question.... IMO but I believe what it actually does is exaggerates whatever emotional condtions exist. And for some, that's uncontrollable....... as for the 14 yr old? Who knows.... would not be surprised. Cheers
i wasnt real impressed by the article either. have you seen how thin the flex magazine is this month!! for $9 i almost thought about buying it. i think the 14 year old stabbed his missus as she wouldnt suck his little wang. T
lol nice 1 taurus