is it gay to shave ...
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is it gay to shave even in offseason?

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i was wondering if you guys think it is gay to shave arms, legs, chest,etc, even in the offseason while not competing. i honestly shave year round, is that bad? my gf tells me that i should try to NOT shave at all (except for my face) until next competitive season, wear baggy clothes (long sleeves + sweats), and make an effort to NOT look at my bodyparts while working out. in her opinion it will help to take me to the next level by simply training "by feel" and not by the mirror.

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If it gets u more pussy. I would definitly do what the woman wants.

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i get pussy regardless. but she is trying to say that by me totally forgetting about "looking" at my body while i train or when i pass by any freakin mirron on this planet, that i'd get better results once the hair comes off later on

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They don't call me Ape for my good posture, hairless arms, boyish good looks and babyface, if you know what I mean, but I think it's up to you to shave or not. If it makes you feel more confident and better about yourself than that is going to have a significant effect on how you look. Mind over muscle, I always say. But, still, don't ignore the v-man, you can't beat a good beaver by flogging your stick.

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I get alot of complaints when I shave....she calls them "pokey"...i say ill show u my "pokey"...she slaps me....I sleep on the couch... I always liked being clean shaven, I only do it when I have abs to show though myself... Women always have underlying reasons for saying the things they do, maybe she just wants u to stop obsessing about your body so much....fuck man, i dont know...ive never understood them myself.

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i only shave really in the summer, in the winter i just occasionally shave my arms. i think im gonna start gettin the back waxed.

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I shave everything except my calves and forearms, I like having clean shaven injection sites, and also I feel I can see my body and how it is progressing a lot better this way. hair can really obscure what is underneath. then again sometimes I get lazy and dont shave for a couple weeks...

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Originally posted by Jizzacked I shave everything except my calves and forearms, I like having clean shaven injection sites, and also I feel I can see my body and how it is progressing a lot better this way. hair can really obscure what is underneath. then again sometimes I get lazy and dont shave for a couple weeks... The only time I get hairy is when I get lazy as stated above. I cover in the gym to stay warm but...hell it's my house and I walk around in spandex and a girl hates the smooth look but also the bear look go fiqure there is no inbetween. You have to do what makes YOU happy.

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LOL @ Valkyl mate your a classic

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I'm pretty hairy ... I use to shave my entire body (except arms) but it started to be time consuming so I let the hair grow back in my legs but I cant seem to let the chest grow in ... way to itchy ... cant stand it ... so I have shave ... if I had to do it all again I'd probably just stick to my face.

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I never shave since I'm a hairy mofo and I'd have to shave every couple of days. Instead I just trim with some clippers and let it slowly grow out till I just can't stand the hair then trim it again.

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Originally posted by DavidnKS I never shave since I'm a hairy mofo and I'd have to shave every couple of days. Instead I just trim with some clippers and let it slowly grow out till I just can't stand the hair then trim it again. Exactly, this is what I do. Shaving is not feasable for someone as hairy as I am. Trimming is much easier and less time consuming. My girl is actually starting to like it better when I keep my body trimmed (she used to hate it). I do arms, legs, chest, stomach, and occasionally the nether regions.

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Hell, I have to comb my ass just so I can take a shit most mornings, there ain't no way in hell I could keep up with just a razor...."Honey, Bring me the Hedge Clippers" 🙂

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thank god im not a woman and dont have to shave...i personally think this is very gay...i can understand competitiors but i would do it like the day before a meet and let it all quickly grow back...pitty they banned gay bashing :)...alex

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I love shaving my shit and wouldn't have it any other way. HAIR = GAY

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