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I am thinking about entering the military...

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What is your degree in and what have you been doing to find a job in your field? Have you talked to a psychologist to process this? Get yourself to a shrink, son. Decisions like this should not be made without talking to a pro.

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coast guard is the way to go. if you have a degree, you can get in to ocs officer candidate school with ease.

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Getsum, You are correct. We all have our versions. As for me going over there, I actually volunteered to a recall if they needed me, but they told me if they did, I'd stay stateside. Well, that's not for me. I spent my entire military career oversees. My friends went to Iraq; I would have gladly gone. Just curious (and not trying to start something), but what was your job in the military? You said you weren't put into a situation like that, but the Marines have always gotten the short end of the stick (at least, from what I've seen).

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Well, I met with the recruiter yesterday and everything seemed to be going great until he inquired about my medical history. The first thing he asked was, "do you have a history of asthma?" I tried to down play it but he said he would have to get a copy of my medical records. My records will show that I was prescribed an inhalor within the last 8 years, which will immediately disqualify me. Looks like I will be back at school in January working on my masters. Oh well, I'm still young, single with no kids. I can "afford" to be selfish. Thanks for all of the replies.

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Sorry to hear about that. I wish you luck!!!

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asthma shouldnt be aproblem with the coast guard bro. your not going to be running around the desert with an m16. you'll be cruising the caribbean looking for immigrants.:D

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Originally posted by Juicer_949 i am also thinking about joining the military. My family does not help me with anything. i have been working 50-60 hours a week since age 18. Im now 22 and still in jr college. i also have lived in my car for a few weeks. My family is shit. I am a good person, I go to school trying to earn my degree but I work shit jobs that pay $8 an hour. People say join the army reserves. Go to boot camp for 6 months and then after 2 days a month for 4 years and get alot of benfeits including having your school paid for. I dont know, my life is fucked right now. Sometimes I think about putting a gun to my head and just blow my brains out. Life sucks!!! Hey bro, I was in for 4 years, and it's not too bad at all. I had friends that got thier AA knocked out of the way while they we're in. While you're active they pay for 75% of your tuition on your classes. I completed just shy of a year of school while I was in, and when I transfered I got 10 hours from things like Basic Training, and Health classes. Now I'm completeing my junior year and getting $1200 a month in college fund benefits. The military isn't for everyone, but if life is that hard for you, and you've spent time living in your car, maybe you should consider it. SB

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boot camp.... 6 months? what branch you talkin about homie?

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