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I am thinking about entering the military...

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I am going to speak to an officer here soon. I am definitely not going to make any decisions today. Things aren't going as planned. I graduated a few months ago decided to move to Florida, things didn't workout and now I am back up in Montana at my dad's house. Talk about an all-time level of low self-esteem. To maker matters worse, I have a shit-load of student loans to payoff and in order for me to get a decent job with my major I am going to have to go to grad school, which is more money and more time. So in essence, I am considering the military not because I know I will enjoy it but because it seems to be my best option. I do have a question for those who are or who have been in the military. I have history of asthma. I don't have a prescribed inhalor or medication but occassionaly it flares up a little. Do I have to report this to the recruiter when I speak with him or will all of this come out via my family physicians report. Also what are your takes on the military? Give me some feed back thanks.

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I was a military man. First off, what branch are you going into? Does asthma affect you when you run? I would tell your recruiter and see what he says. The bottom line, if you can't run five miles without your asthma flaring up, then the military isn't for you. Do NOT join the military unless you go in as an officer. It's not worth it. You'll pay off your student loans faster that way as well. Do NOT join the marine corps. That's all I have. Good luck!

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I was in the Marine Corp as an Infanry man, then went into scout sniper training. Would I do it again = no, was it worth it = no .... But if you do decide to go in go in as an officer, in the Marine Corp officers are like gods to the enlisted. Actually if I had a degree I would join as an officer in the army or marines. But for heaven sake dont join because you think it is your only or las option.

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i am also thinking about joining the military. My family does not help me with anything. i have been working 50-60 hours a week since age 18. Im now 22 and still in jr college. i also have lived in my car for a few weeks. My family is shit. I am a good person, I go to school trying to earn my degree but I work shit jobs that pay $8 an hour. People say join the army reserves. Go to boot camp for 6 months and then after 2 days a month for 4 years and get alot of benfeits including having your school paid for. I dont know, my life is fucked right now. Sometimes I think about putting a gun to my head and just blow my brains out. Life sucks!!!

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Juicer, If you go in, put in the four years. The benefits are okay for the reserves, but the pay sucks ass! Go full time, learn a trade, get paid for it, and still go to school. It's the best way to go. But, join the air force, trust me. They have better facilities than the other branches, mainly cuz of the space program and other programs.

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hey whats up man. I felt like i was reading about my own life for a minute. As a 4 year veteran of the u.s. army with deployments consisting of kuwait, bosnia, cosovo, and recently afganistan. I would recomend the military to everyone who would like to join. Just dont go into it blind.. Just want to tell you to take advantage of all that they have to offer. If your planing to do 3 to 4 years make sure you get a bonus when you sighn up. I did 3 years as an infantry man and for my job i got 18,000 as a sighn up bonous. dont let that recruiter tell you there is no bonus. they get a commision when they inlist someone without giving them a bonous there just lying. trust me i was a recruiter in new jersey for over a year. that money will definatly help you with your bills or will start you off to a good start. wish you all the luck in the world and god bless you . I just got out and im thinking of going back in because its rough out here no jobs and no medical benifits.. the military will give you a paycheck, a home to live in, and full and free medical benifits. and think about it you could retire with only 20 years in if i would have stayed in i could retire by the age of 42 name someone you know thats retired at this age. good luck and be all that you can be

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I vote for no not under this dictatory of a president. Have you even seen the news lately? The whole mess Bush got us in is just the tip of the iceberg just watch. I was in the Marines and it wasnt too bad, but I also wasnt put in the position these guys are in...

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Getsum, Bush sent a message to the world that you're either with us or against us. If Clinton didn't dedicate 100% of our forces for UN shit, then we'd be fine. We didn't just go in and take over Iraq...the UN wanted us to. You, as a former military man, should always support the conservative presidents and denounce almost all liberal beliefs.

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fuck a bachelor's degree. i'm about 2 semesters short of getting mine. all employers i talk to want to pay me $11 an hour or put me into high pressure sales. BBA = worthless

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Delta 1 you have your version of reality and I have mine. Lets leave it at that besides I dont see you over there.... I'll give you the last word. "the Getsum factor" lol!

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i did 4 years in the u.s. coast guard. i enjoyed it, for the most part. i was on 3 babck to back ships. wasnt around much. if you dont mind being at sea, and have no ties, look into the coast guard. that or the air force. pm me with any questions. its not a bad choice .

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I agree w/ slickrick go coast guard if any

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25 years, active duty, reserve and guard...army and air force. 18 years enlisted, the rest officer. Go to your local university with an ROTC program. Let them pay for your 4 years of school, then do your time as an officer. Yes, Caaa-dets are pains in the ass but it is the best way to go financially. Air Force is just different shit than the Army, not better or worse. Pay is actually rather good for me right now compared to my peers in my field. But you have to do the time and get promoted. Go to the Army website and check the PT test for a guy your age. Do the run. If you can MAX it without any asthma problems, don't mention it to the recruiter. Any other questions...just ask. Oh, and be prepared to deploy to Iraq for one hell of a long time.

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GO IN AS A COMMISSIONED OFFICER... you already have a degree, if you enlist you are a moron (no offense but it's the truth - officers are treated 100x better).

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Originally posted by ricky_zx7 I was in the Marine Corp as an Infanry man, then went into scout sniper training. Would I do it again = no, was it worth it = no .... But if you do decide to go in go in as an officer, in the Marine Corp officers are like gods to the enlisted. Actually if I had a degree I would join as an officer in the army or marines. But for heaven sake dont join because you think it is your only or las option. If I could have done it all over again I would have seeked a commission in 1) The Marines or secondly the Army, instead of enlisting in the Chair Force. People will talk all kinds of talk about how the Chair Force is the best branch, but when it comes down to it 97% of Chair Force enlistees (officers are a tad better) are plumpers who were too pussy to join a real branch. It pains me to say it but it's the truth. If you want to be proud to serve alongside others who take pride in what they do, join the Marines or a more elite job in the army. If you must join the Chair Force, do something both rewarding and useful, like some kind of combat/comm related job.. TAC/P for example, they operate with the army out of a state-of-the-art Humvee and direct air strikes.. or you could do like the rest of the Chairmen and waste away in a cubicle for 4yrs...

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