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how to tell if a girl is interested or just being friendly + how to ask her out

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Yo bros, Im 21 and at college, there is alot of good looking girls who I know on my course to say hello too or to talk for a brief moment. Question is - some of them are so damn friendly its hard to tell if she is interested. How can you draw the line between one of the chicks who is just very friendly and those who are interested in you for a relationship or whatever? I dont have a lot of guts - in fact Im so embarassed to ask a chick out in case she says no because I know if she did say no I would be depressed - so I think "you cant get shot down if you dont make yourself a target". A lot of girls talk to me and some look at you from the other end of the room or whatever. how can you tell if theyre just looking over? How can you tell when they are talking that they are interested? How can you turn the conversation and stuff so that they know without you asking them out, that you would like to go out with them - I meen body language and the way you talk - so that SHE WILL ASK ME OUT INSTEAD. Bottom line is I know you will tell me to ask them out - but Im not going to - so rather than spending the next year single how can I let them feel they can ask ME out. And how can I tell if they are interested - after all - if a girl is just being friendly then theres no point in me getting my hopes up (like I always do) and I find out they were not interested. Thanks guys - help a fella out.

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You don't just go ask them out. You talk and you flirt. Do that with many many women. Just flirt at first, put off the asking for a date shit till later. You can feel them out, but you gotta be smooth with them. Just going up to them and starting some small not worth a shit conversation just to ask em out is not the way to go.

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if you flirt and they aren't receptive you can easily play that off and save face. If you ask em out then its all pretty obvious. I used to think like you are. Don't rush it, play it smooth and feel it out. Network with the ladies, get alot of girl friends then go from there.

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get a good wingman......or even better, a good wingwoman

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I'll give you some rules to follow, cherish these because I don't give out trade secrets too often. 1. Don't try to say what they want to hear. You have to be Humorous, tease them, and act a little arrogant, like they are privledged to be talking to you. Don't compliment them, but if you do you have to notice something unusual (I made serious points when I complemented this one broads toenails, they were painted with cool designs and she obviously took some time on them) 2. When it comes time to ask her out, don't. Tell her that you are going somewhere, and that if she plays her cards right she can go with you if she likes. Nothings lamer than "I was wondering if you might like to go out sometime?" give me a break, how many times you think she has heard that? 3. As far as telling if she's interested, look for body language and responses to your teasing. If she plays with her hair, touches you, leans close, has an open stance, etc. she is inviting you with her body language. Be careful if she has her arms crossed, doesn't maintain a short gaze, looks around or is gaurded in any way. 4. As far as another test, winter is coming and chicks wear sweaters, you could reach your hand out and say "that sweater looks like it feels nice" If she is receptive to your touch, well you know what to do. Your Welcome, OK, Saturday 9:22 PM Pacific, time to go out and put my money where my mouth is. And one last thing, DON'T SPEND MONEY ON BITCHES!

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Wow, those responses are better than I had hoped for - thats definately an insight. Thanks very much boys

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Originally posted by SoCalJay I'll give you some rules to follow, cherish these because I don't give out trade secrets too often. 1. Don't try to say what they want to hear. You have to be Humorous, tease them, and act a little arrogant, like they are privledged to be talking to you. Don't compliment them, but if you do you have to notice something unusual (I made serious points when I complemented this one broads toenails, they were painted with cool designs and she obviously took some time on them) 2. When it comes time to ask her out, don't. Tell her that you are going somewhere, and that if she plays her cards right she can go with you if she likes. Nothings lamer than "I was wondering if you might like to go out sometime?" give me a break, how many times you think she has heard that? 3. As far as telling if she's interested, look for body language and responses to your teasing. If she plays with her hair, touches you, leans close, has an open stance, etc. she is inviting you with her body language. Be careful if she has her arms crossed, doesn't maintain a short gaze, looks around or is gaurded in any way. 4. As far as another test, winter is coming and chicks wear sweaters, you could reach your hand out and say "that sweater looks like it feels nice" If she is receptive to your touch, well you know what to do. Your Welcome, OK, Saturday 9:22 PM Pacific, time to go out and put my money where my mouth is. And one last thing, DON'T SPEND MONEY ON BITCHES! My wife read this post and said that SoCalJay is an expert on two things: (1) offending woman; (2) masterbation alone in the dark without a hope of company Her .02 Satient2003

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Originally posted by Satient2003 Her .02 She gets 1 1/2 cents change cuz I kill with this shit. I know the type of girl that says stuff like this, they are the same ones that call Tom Leykis and try to bust his balls. Not my type but feel free to enjoy:thumbsup: :biglaugh:

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Originally posted by Satient2003 My wife read this post and said that SoCalJay is an expert on two things: (1) offending woman; (2) masterbation alone in the dark without a hope of company Her .02 Satient2003 Also...."Me thinks she doth protest too much" Know what I mean? Maybe it hit a little too close to home, you know how broads get when we figure out what they are up to;)

reservoir dawg
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i think another thing is you gotta lose the "gee what if they turn me down" attitude. ask them out and if they say no- fuck em, no biggie.. unless you're an ugly guy, im sure you will get lots of numbers.. confidence goes a LONG ways bro.. I say talk to them about a minute or two and then if all goes well ask em out.. when you are ready to part ways, say, "hey, i'd like to talk to you again, how about we continue this conversation another time" if they are interested they will gladly give you the digits.. if they don't not all is lost, just use some gentle persuasion and they might give you the number.. if they say give me yours- just give em a smile and move on.. remember: no coffee dates, no spending over 40 bucks on a date, and no calling her on the weekends..

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I've got the same passive attitude towards women. I will rarely ask them out unless I'm very sure they're down already. I just tease the heck out of em and flirt big time. Always smile when you're around them. Be fun to be around and real positive and if the conversation comes up, talk about how much fun you always have with your friends. Use their name often too. They like to hear their name. Anyone with me on this?

Feli Fly
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Originally posted by stormshadow ... Network with the ladies, get alot of girl friends then go from there. That's the bottom line in college... and life. Having a lot of female friends if key. It's pretty much the only way to get into lots of the best parties unless you are throwing them or are close pals with the guys who do. The guys who throw parties aren't idiots... they don't want a rodfest, so they invite mostly women. Therefore, you probably won't get invited to parties much, but you female friends will find out about them, and just show up with them... Also, your female freinds will have friends (who might be cute), so that's another reason to be nice to girls even if you don't see them as date material or they have a boyfriend already. As far as knowing they want you as more... most every girl has a way of showing guys she wants them. If you haven't noticed it within the first couple times you hang with them, they don't see you that way... Sorry; try again. It's also impairative you learn to approach girls. Quit being a puss. Everyone knows the mediocre looking guy who gets the FINE women. It's because he's over at her table trying while you sit there saying "she's too hot." Get off your ass and introduce yourself, or you'll never know how good you can do. Learning how to talk to women and ask them out is the first step. You will get pretty cute girls. Getting girls builds confidence and lets you get more since you know how they typically respond. As far as getting the really really hot girls, well, that mostly depends on how good you look.

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Thanks bros - very motivational.
