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how to get strong women?

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I saw this girl on campus do a presentation today and I must say, she has more drive and strength whilst speaking, than I've ever seen in ANY person. She is a small oriental girl with a thick accent but speaks her mind without so much as a blink. I had wood for the entire 8 minutes she was up. Never saw anyone carry themselves the way she did. Most of the people here are so conscious of themselves, it's disgusting. She had absolutely no inhibitions, just total belief in herself. I want her to have my babies; any hints on how to approach someone of this caliber? I've never encountered anyone like this before. Do I come on strong? How do I even approach her?

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how about hi.... now lets go get some barbecue and get busy

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same way youd approach any girl dont put her up on a pedistal, put her in a bed, where she belongs cheers

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just please don't ask her to have your babies!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Cutie

reservoir dawg
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to get a strong-minded girl, you must also be a strong-minded individual, if you're not at least fake it real good, lol.. As sun tzu said, you must mirror the enemy..

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Originally posted by reservoir dawg to get a strong-minded girl, you must also be a strong-minded individual, if you're not at least fake it real good, lol.. As sun tzu said, you must mirror the enemy.. lol yep that's true

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I failed; went in half-cocked and stumbled. I had an audience and they concur: it was horrible. After my performance even I wouldn't go out with me. I already read "Art of War" twice but I find it so hard to understand since it's so brief.

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Ask her to go back to your palce for some pizza and screw. If she slaps you ask,"What you don't like pizza?"

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do what val works.

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another option would be to make racist jokes about asians in order to get her attention. talk about asian women having sideways vaginas and stuff like that.

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DON'T GET SERIOUS WITH HER. just fuck her and make a domination thing out of it. Dou you know how much of a bitch she's gonna be to the guy she marries. Good god! She won't ever shut up! Ever! You will battle constantly. Then you will die of a heart attack at age 45 from all the cortisol damage to your arteries from the constant yelling. The cortisol will eat holes in the lining of the arteries, and then the goopy LDL cholesterol patches over the damage but unfortunetly this sticky surface attracks more sticky LDL, and more and more and more...until it builds to such a mass that the arterie is blocked and your heart loses blood. Then you have to watch what you eat, train lightly like a pussy, and constantly watch your temper. Your hear will eventually give out due to enlarge ment of one side and atrophy of the other. All because you want a strong woman. Confidense isn't what makes a woman great, Her level of purity is. Just think about how many cocks she has had in her gook mouth. DO you really think she is so much better than other women? Do you think she has not had the dirty penis of another man in her mouth? Do you think she has never had semen touch her skin. When you shake her hand for the first time, thing about how many men she's jerked of with that hand and how much cum of different men has been rubbed into her pores as she rubbed and squezed that mushroom like penis head. I bet microscopic peices of cum are still stuck in her pores. SHE IS NOT SPECIAL.

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Show up in class with an oriental robe on. Tell her how influenced you are by her native country. invite her out for some sushi in chinatown. Get some hyrogryphics tattoed on your back of ancient chinese pholophies. This will most certainly impress her.

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Chinese lesson for today: Sheh sheh=Thank you

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Originally posted by newjack I saw this girl on campus do a presentation today and I must say, she has more drive and strength whilst speaking, than I've ever seen in ANY person. She is a small oriental girl with a thick accent but speaks her mind without so much as a blink. I had wood for the entire 8 minutes she was up. Never saw anyone carry themselves the way she did. Most of the people here are so conscious of themselves, it's disgusting. She had absolutely no inhibitions, just total belief in herself. I want her to have my babies; any hints on how to approach someone of this caliber? I've never encountered anyone like this before. Do I come on strong? How do I even approach her? good luck....strong women are hard to find.... a strong woman is what kapn needs... what campus is this, maybe i'll take a drive..:D

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take her to the restaurant of her choice and the hotel of yours!! be yourself and just start talking to her.

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