1. Surfing 2. Fishing 3. Playing guitar My schedule only allows time for working out and surfing though. Wish I had more time to enjoy #2 and #3.
hunting,fishing,snowboarding. timba
I like to ski, read when I've got the time, saltwater fishing, I don't play golf but I used to go to the driving range often. I also like to get out to a shooting range whenever I can. I'm into reptiles, fish, and other exotic animals but have limited space and funds. Most of my time is taken up with school, yardwork/lawnscaping, and my job.
hunting, fishing, target shooting, riding my mountain bike, texas hold em.
Bowhunting, hiking, kayaking, atv'ing, fishing, golf.
Colecting knives Collection BB and Pellet Guns Collecting Other Weapons Knife Throwing Breeding and Keeping Reptile, Amphibians, Tarantulas, Scorpions, Exotic Roaches, Millipedes, and other Invertebrates/Insects Radio Control Helicpoters Radio Control Gas Cars and Trucks Overclocking Case Modding Building Circuit Boards Hacking Various Electronics (Playstation, Xbox, Dvd Players, VCR's etc.) Reading and Studying Ancient Civilizations, Cultures, and Mythology Home Theater/Electronics Movies and Video Games Think I have enough hobbies/interests? It sucks, I never have any money, lol. It all goes into all the shit listed above :D. But hey, I get bored very easily and get cabin fever if I have nothing to do, so I cant really complain about the money. EDIT: I forgot about Mad Scientist/Kitchen Chemist, lol. I have a small lab setup in my office for distillation, selective recrystalizations, and varous other procedures! 😀
trailbiking,snowboarding,breaking bones,getting loaded and blazed.
Doing girls in the butt.
Wrestling, Movies, Music, Wrestling, Screwing, 420, Wrestling, going to batting cages, trying to learn how to surf, Wrestling, casinos, bars, and checkin out good lookin hos
Computer Games like Madden and MVP baseball. American Cars. 1/18 Models of Old American Muscle Cars. Reading about Religion and politics. I also collect a ton of bootleg material like the old Jordans, DVD's, Cd's, and other replica items. And one more I love Dogs, Cats, and Fish.
watching movies snowskiing running bowhunting salt water fishing cooking riding jetskis hiking watching football all day on Sundays (love bein lazy)
Besides pounding weights and your pud, what is your favorite hobbie(s) that occupies your time? Mine are dirtbikes (even though I'm getting too old now) and aquariums. I had to shut down my 125 gallons saltwater a few months ago due to expense (it's tough trying to pay 2 kids' college tuitions!). I need to find another.-bull
i get great enjoyment out of fucking with strangers on the internet..... what?..............like you didnt expect this..