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I really have none of them problems such as someone calling me something like Whiteboy. Im 29 now and started being a loner when I was 23. I dont have any friends I just chill by myself. Less friends you got less knifes you have to pull out of your back. Sometimes it gets damn depressing I have no guy to chill with and shoot the shit with. But most people only give a fuck about themselves today so thats how shit is.

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Got an update.......cops are pressing aggravated assult on the white dude that pulled the gun, and possibly attempted homicide IF they can prove that he brought the gun down after popping the 2 in the air......As for me, I may have aggravated assult charges due to his injuries, and the fact he said I popped him first (which I did) biggie for me, as I can get people to say that I was threatened by him, and also the fact that I had an injury to my hand, which gave me no choice but to hit him. Also, of COURSE, he is talking lawsuit since he found out I am a competitive fighter!!! Fuck him, he won't get shit. I have already contacted the bouncer that had his brother jumped by this clown, for testimony on what this dude is really like. Also, my lawyer is requesting his blood test results when he went to the hospital, as everyone said he was hopped up on mr. brownstone that night. So much for being a true "thug"......bitch ran to the cops. Thanks again to you guys for the support.......and KOP, you remind me of myself so much it is sickening LOL.....I do the SAME shit you do when people say "whiteboy" or "cracker".......I expect (although it almost never happens) to be treated AS I TREAT OTHERS.....I would never just start winging out the word nigger, or kike, or whatever.....people don't deserve that. But simple fact is, this is the shitty world we live in.

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You see. That is one of the biggest problems in america. white guys getting into that thug mentality of the ape. And the thing is, it is so obvious the kind of people they are even before they pull this shit. Whem i have some real power in this country, shit like that will be wiped off because those people will be serving 25 years just for thinking their something. I can't believe my tax $ pay for his bandanna and his crack. Stupid monkey and his wannabees.

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Originally posted by KingOfPain depends on the meaning behind it. i for one dont find it funny to call my friend a plain old 'nigger'... thats boring.. so if i am joking with him i will find a more clever way to insult him. 😀 thats all! oh, i know that bro... i wouldnt call any of my friends any racial names even joking around...but i wont censor my speech in front of them either... thats all i meant...

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boxer156, i agree with you mate. these days they dont fight with their fists cause its too hard to learn how to fight and take a beating once in a while. now they have their friends backing them up instead of fighting like a man and then when you beat their ass they pull out the guns. i live in sydney and unfortunatley all these little lebo hoods are of the same mentality, "wannabe black hood tupac rules cowards" they dont fight one on one, they all jump you like a pack of animals and if you end up beating a few the guns come out. its getting to the point were i dont go out unarmed anymore and i have the mentality now that if ANYONE threatens my life in anyway, i will take him out quick and dissapear. thats what its come to now, survival of the fittest. blackninja.

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Holy's even like that in Austrailia??? These damn kids's funny because they come into our gym to try to learn to box, grapple, or whatever, but they quit after the fist week or two because "its too much time"...... Like I said, I like rap music, but I don't to try live that lifestyle----HELL even the rappers themselves don't live the lifestyle they rap about.

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yep bro. we have had in the past 2 weeks about 5 or 6 drive bys and shooting murders ! these were non existant 10 years ago. the only shootings you heard of were of drug dealers or bikers, thats it. but now these "no balls" lebanese cowards think they can come into your country and "behave" anyway they want. run drugs, guns and ho's and you are the man in these shitheads eyes. its truly sad as this was a peaceful country until this juvenile mentality took over. good to see you got out of it ok and they are in the shit. but like you said, how the fuck is he gonna explain getting severley beaten by a one armed man ? he doesnt need to, he just gives them their drugs and they are his bitches again, same as here. all the best mate, blackninja.

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I know exactly what you mean bro, I live on Long Island where every white kid wants to have hot cars, and live a "hard knocked life" or something like that. They all think they are gangsters or some shit, I've never seen people act so stupid. It's all cause they seen it on MTV too, they think it's some kind of hot lifestyle or something. I got jumped by one of these fuckers, he robbed a box and an amplifier from my friends house. I fought him one on one, beat his ass, and then he came after me with 7 other kids. It's doesn't matter anyway cause I eventually got the better of this bitch, but I dont know if it was worth it. This shit kept happening over like 2 years with this white kid who thought he was a "BLOOD". I though bloods cant even be white. I live in Hauppauge, and every little bitch white kid, with their rich parents, thinks they are so "Hard". It's unbelievable, I cant believe that this sick anti-cultural movement is being supported, and it's all being supported by rappers who somehow manage to influence stupid kids into thinking that that is what's cool. I listen to rap, and I never wanted to act like that. I dont know what the hell is going on around here. I read all the posts, I feel those guys that said that they live on Long Island too, they are dealing with the same exact shit that I am dealing with. I know what they are going through. I glad to see that there are some sensible people out there too (you guys).

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I'm glad you busted that piece of shit up bro, you did the right thing. Oh, you should definitely do whatever you can to help the police out this way you can get that white trash piece of shit off the streets. You did the right thing!

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Originally posted by vukcevic118 I know exactly what you mean bro, I live on Long Island where every white kid wants to have hot cars, and live a "hard knocked life" or something like that. They all think they are gangsters or some shit, I've never seen people act so stupid. It's all cause they seen it on MTV too, they think it's some kind of hot lifestyle or something. I got jumped by one of these fuckers, he robbed a box and an amplifier from my friends house. I fought him one on one, beat his ass, and then he came after me with 7 other kids. It's doesn't matter anyway cause I eventually got the better of this bitch, but I dont know if it was worth it. This shit kept happening over like 2 years with this white kid who thought he was a "BLOOD". I though bloods cant even be white. I live in Hauppauge, and every little bitch white kid, with their rich parents, thinks they are so "Hard". It's unbelievable, I cant believe that this sick anti-cultural movement is being supported, and it's all being supported by rappers who somehow manage to influence stupid kids into thinking that that is what's cool. I listen to rap, and I never wanted to act like that. I dont know what the hell is going on around here. I read all the posts, I feel those guys that said that they live on Long Island too, they are dealing with the same exact shit that I am dealing with. I know what they are going through. I glad to see that there are some sensible people out there too (you guys). i live like 15min from you bro....its so pathetic, it is almost beyond comprehension.

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talk to the mainstream media and MTV. they make a shitload of dollars selling out our youth. they want this generation to be immoral,lazy whores or thugs as it sells. adults, let alone kids can be so easily mislead if you understand basic human psychology. look at the homosexual fad and this gangster fad, its all fashion and fashion makes money. if you ask me, i honestly think its got to do with population control,there are too many of us to keep control of. blackninja.

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Originally posted by blackninja talk to the mainstream media and MTV. they make a shitload of dollars selling out our youth. they want this generation to be immoral,lazy whores or thugs as it sells. adults, let alone kids can be so easily mislead if you understand basic human psychology. look at the homosexual fad and this gangster fad, its all fashion and fashion makes money. if you ask me, i honestly think its got to do with population control,there are too many of us to keep control of. blackninja. anyone that doesnt realize it is a least a form of control is too stupid to bother with..

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yea but kapn, the prob is that they hit at the youth by the millions and that is where the problem lies, polluting our youth, brainwashing them and its not really the kids fault, they are just being mislead. blackninja.

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I feel you Kapn, what High School did you go to? I definitely agree with BN, keds are very impressionable at those ages, and if you fill them with bad impressions and then parents try and stop them they think that they're freedom is being taken away or something. We now as future parents have to teach our kids not to be like that, cause for most of those other kids it's probably too late. I dont know how it happens man, I never turned out like that, but I was also brought up in a upper middles class house hold. My parents never gave me handouts, I had to work for what I had. Kids now a days all have cell phones, new cars, all the video games they want, even those scooter that are gas poowered. I dont know how they can ride those things on the street legally, it's a motor vehicle shouldn't it have to be rigistered and insured? I never had that when I was a kid, I had a beat up bike and I was happy as hell.

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Originally posted by blackninja yea but kapn, the prob is that they hit at the youth by the millions and that is where the problem lies, polluting our youth, brainwashing them and its not really the kids fault, they are just being mislead. blackninja. no i mean the adults that dont realize their children are being controlled.... the parents in most cases support the brainwashing of thier kids cause it makes their jobs as parents easier in their eyes. also remember its these kids parents that work for MTV and all the other places poisioning their own children. and dont even get me started on those fake ass scripted "reality" shows on MTV either.....i dont understand how people get addicted to watching the pretend lives of others and then think its real.

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