Erection problems!
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Erection problems!

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Ok I just got out of a 5 yr relationship with a girl. I started dating a couple girls and have both wrapped around my finger. One girl is a centerfold hot 22yr old, which I met in school and I am the envy of many guys for getting her. The other is this single mom, not so hot but mentally I think she is awesome. i really connect with her and feel I have found a great friend. In my head I want the super hot chick for a gf and the other for just fun and friendship. The single mom knows I am talking to the other and she is cool, no problems even though she want me to herself.The hot one is in the dark about the other and on the way to being my gf. I am 26 btw. Here is my problem, The other day I got the hot one back to my place and we got naked and were going to fuck, and I couldnt get a hard on. It bugged me but, I just started post cycle less than a week before that so I assumed it due to low test and shrugged it off. Last weekend I went to see the single mom for the first time and ofcourse we had sex. In fact we had sex all damn weekend, no problems with wood or anything.My shit worked over and over again. Today I got the hot one back to my place again and low and behold we got naked and were going to have sex. I couldnt get a damn hard on again. I am so embarassed about this. She was totally cool about it and said it was no big deal. Im only in my 2nd week of post cycle so I know my test levels are low. But what confuses me is how I fucked the one girl over and over non stop and she isnt half the babe the one I couldnt fuck. I am thinking that it isnt my test levels but a mental thing. Also I have never had this problem before ever. This is my 3rd cycle so I am experienced on my prior sex and post cycle which was fine. Anybody want to try and take a crack at what my problem is, cause I would sure like to know.I am stressing hard. I want this hot chick bad, but at this pace Im not going to get shit.

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The hot chick intimidates you. Maybe you haven't had this kind of super hottie before? Maybe she has set you up with unattainable whatever (dropping hints about how she likes it, how big, etc.) Sometimes I have the same problem, skanks and hoes get the super fuck for hours treatment and then I pull up lame with the super models. Alot of it is just feeling comfortable around them. Here's a trick that might work.... Tell her you are a little intimidated by her awesome beauty and that you just need to get over the hump, ask her to not expect any foreplay or shit like that but explain that once you fuck her once, she will get more than enough, then next time you're with her just bend her ass over a chair and doggy pound her! You got to get it out of your head that she is some kind of goddess and that you have to perform like a god. Sheesh, it's the first time you guys are getting it on so she prolly expects it to be sub-par. I would bet that most women feel this way, that if they enjoy being with you, the first time it's OK for just you to get off. Get a subscription to FHM and read the last 5-6 pages, killer undercover chick info!

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getting an erection has never been a problem with me in the beginning. i remember having problems getting it up with a few of my girlfriends but i think that was just because i stayed with them too long and was disgusted by them.

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Are you in ANY way forming a relationship with the single mom's kid?

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bullseye and SCJ give good advice/questions i think.

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Originally posted by SoCalJay then next time you're with her just bend her ass over a chair and doggy pound her! this sounds like what kobe bryant would do

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Originally posted by bullseye Are you in ANY way forming a relationship with the single mom's kid? Yes I am but, I have told this girl that i am do not want a commitment and just want to remain causal. The girl has 2 kids ages 7 and 2. Im sorry for being shallow but that is not a life I want to live at all. If it werent for the kids yes I would love to have a serious relationship with her. But the kids are there and I dont want to go down that road again.Dont get me wrong the girl is wonderful, but that isnt what I want. BTW, my first episode of limp dick happened before I even thought I was going to screw the single mom. So for that reason and the ones I listed above, I dont think that she is a factor.

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I like what SCJ has to say. That might be what it is. This girl is definately the hottest piece of ass I have had in a long ass time. His explaination could be true. Interesting, anyone else care to give some more input?

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I think you're in love with the mom, thus feeling like you're cheating when you're with the hottie.

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sounds like you've formed an emotional attachment to the single matter what you may're more yourself, at ease and comfortable w/'ve got that "connection" w/ her...that you don't have w/ the "hot one" Cutie

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like youve figured its a mental problem not a physiological so stop thinking about ur test levels you might want to chat to a sex therapist about it, but usually once you get it up once youll be cool from there on in relaxation is the key m8 good luck

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Originally posted by Cutieface sounds like you've formed an emotional attachment to the single matter what you may're more yourself, at ease and comfortable w/'ve got that "connection" w/ her...that you don't have w/ the "hot one" Cutie Yes and you have feelings of guilt for not only cheating on her, which 2 girls at once is really isnt it, I mean would you go with either if you knew the other days she had another man? Also it sounds like you have feelings of guilt for rejecting a serious R/S with her as she has kids - from your justifying yourself - "i'm not shallow" etc for not wanting to settle down with her because of it. It's not shallow at all, it's your choice, shit I don't ever want to have kids as it is a emotional and financial liability I don't want. That's my decision. The other possibility is that you have confidence issues as you think SCJ hit it on the head, and don't feel worthy of the hottie. Which is bullshit as you have her. What I'd do is re-do the PCT with HCG and clomid, get your test levels checked now and after the PCT - loss of drive and confidence and guilt might be from low T. Next try to think through the above reasons, if you think it is becos you're attached to the girl, come to terms, the kids etc are just not what you want in your life and that is your pre-rogative, fuck being some perfect gentleman, that is bullshit, you need to look after your interests and be happy with them, otherwise you'd never be happy with her and the kids anyway, which is just plain bad for them. If you decide it is just confidence with the hottie - take 100mg Viagra and you'll be able to have great sex with her. Once you have done it once and she knows you're great in bed, you'll have the confidence there, and can build on that so it is about confidence as you're great to be around, not just a good fuck.

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Regardless of what anyone says above, you cannot have a casual relationship with a woman while bonding with her kids. I commend you on your honesty with her. But you cannot continue doing that, especially when you have already said that you don't want to "go down that road" with her. I am very surprised that she would even let you meet her kids knowing the way you feel. It's one thing to hurt her; however, it's a completely different thing to abandon her kids when it's time to move on. And that is exactly the way they are going to feel. Don't crush her kids guy. That's something you don't want to carry around with you.

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Have you had the talk with the single mom? You see, single moms have been to the puppet show, they've seen the strings. You're shoplifting the pooty! These hit way too close to home when that movie came out. I am very Jerry McGuire-esque

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Originally posted by SoCalJay Have you had the talk with the single mom? You see, single moms have been to the puppet show, they've seen the strings. You're shoplifting the pooty! These hit way too close to home when that movie came out. I am very Jerry McGuire-esque You also shouted "show me the money" to a naked black man?

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