Advice for educatio...
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Advice for education

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I recently sat a STAT test at my local university. I only scored 158 (out of 200) which is ok considering I haevn't done any schooling or study for over 4 years now but still I expected to do better. Unfortunately this means I cannot get into law, however I can get into most other courses. What do I need to study to become a physiotherapist? Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science (Feeder)??? That only takes 1 year, no way that is all I need, does anyonehave any more information. I like all of this learning about training, how my body responds, etc. etc. and the pay seems good. Any information/advice greatly appreciated

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in 1999 physio was 91+ .... i got in , its a great coarse deffered 2 years and back again next year the range hardly changes each year 1 or 2 marks

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Whcih Uni do you wish to attend. The mark required can flucctuate a fair bit from uni to uni. I did the Stat test last year fun fun fun.

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By the way how do you know you won't get into law. just put it on you application through UAC as your first preference and maybe physio as your second. I am not sure that there is a direct correlation between the stat test and the UAI.

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Do you think you might be interested in nutrition? a nutrition degree with a background in physiology or sport science electives will give you a range of career options.

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Don't go to uni is my suggestion. You'll walk out with a huge HECs debt and no job. Or You can do a teacher's degree and become a casual teacher ๐Ÿ˜€ pay is ok, hours are few, kids suck, emotions get fried but hey, you'll have a job!

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Whats a feeder bachelor of sports science? is it a qualifier to go into the real sports science degree? which uni is this feeder program held? Or have u thought of which uni to go for the real one? I don't think the 1 year will qualify u to be a physio though, if time is a constraint maybe look in a diploma instead? A sports science degree takes at least 4 years to complete, similar/same degree is also known as human movement studies. That will get u to be a physiotherapist or a sports scientist! ๐Ÿ™‚

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thats right luto 4 yrs, i was going to do pe teacher and human movement sports science deals with the body, mechanics involced in movements / sports technique, the way the body works and processes involved yada yada yada ๐Ÿ™‚

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Test-X wouldn't that take u more than 4 yrs! I understand a diploma or cert of education is incorporated into the PE course? I hate kids.....i will kill them before getting any teaching done haha..:D ๐Ÿ˜€ One more thing working out/bb is not one of the good reason to take up this course. Its not what u think... 1-2 years into it and u'll just be getting bored with it.......especially with stuff like biomechanics.... boring crap LOL ๐Ÿ˜€ Make sure u really wanna get into it and not solely on the reason i mentioned above ๐Ÿ™‚

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dip ed was going to take up 4 yrs luto 3 years for all the socal/sporty and other subjects and then 1 year diploma of education -- 4yrs all up and yes biomechanics is verrrrrrryyyyyy boring ๐Ÿ™ damit i hav and had to do it ๐Ÿ™ theres alot involved in sports subjects and it is very competitive once in the work force you really need to knw your stuff and be able to prove it ....just my 2 cents

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Ric I think nutrition would be good, although where I am it is not offered (Darwin) I scored well enough, and have a very sound knowledge on computers, so am looking at a Bachelor of Information Technology, then possibly nutrition/physiology down the track.

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I think you have to pay interest on your HECS bill too now which sucks thanks to Johnny Howard. Amateur, if you wanna do law you still can do it. Just do well on your 1st year course (whatever you choose) with marks over 80+ and then transfer over to law. Just find out what courses will enable you to do this and the uni's policy on transferring. btw, don't do law IMO. it sucks. You gotta read dozens of pages every week, listen to long 2 hour lectures for one law sunject, not to mention 2 hour seminars for it. This is on top of all the other shit you have to do at home. [find someone smart to hook you up with notes]

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Amateur, Mate your in Darwin, and your primary choice is law. CDU/NTU have associate legal degrees that you can study (Criminal Justice & Legal Studies). The STAT marks to get into these courses are minimal, however. Youโ€™re taking the identical units to LLB students. Itโ€™s a sly way of getting in. Once you are in, you simply change your study pattern to mirror the LLB. If you need anymore help in this area just PM me. The reason behind the high TER for Physio is that Med students put that, and Occupational Therapy as their 2nd and 3rd choices respectively. However, take first year science. Study your arse off then skip down south (physio isnโ€™t offered at NTU/CDU) and put your marks up against a Physio student, if your good enough you can take their spot. The Science feeder course you mentioned is to get you into James Cook Uni. But this should have been spelled out on the webpage. PS: IF youโ€™re serious about Uni, get the fuck out of Darwin. NTU/CDU is fucked. Take it from someone who knows. Cheers mate, Ripped.
