A student needs hel...
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A student needs help: I am at a loss for what to do!

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Fellas... After school today, I was at the gas station filling up and a student I know comes out and approaches me for help. I know him from when I pull study-hall duty...he is a bit of a screw off, but all in all a pretty OK kid. He is a 16 year old sophomore. Apparently his mothers boyfriend beat his ass the other night. The only visible evidence I saw was a scratch on his forehead and another on his neck. I gathered as much information from him as possible... The "boyfriend" is a 29 year old thug piece of shit. The other night, Cody and his mother were play-wrestling and said "shut up" to his mom in a playful manner. The boyfriend got in Cody's face and started screaming at him about "disrespectin yo mama". Cody said..."Hey I was just playing" and the guy chokeslams Cody on the kitchen floor. Cody said he got up and got 2 clean shots in but the guy over-powered him and put the thump on Cody. Kicked him while he was down till he vomited and ran out. Cody said he got a few of his things and has been staying with his girlfriend when the boyfriend isnt there. But he said the boyfriend isnt leaving the house at all (unemployed) He said his mother just sat there and said nothing and did nothing. He has 2 little brothers still in the house as well. Right now my flesh is burning with anger. My profession dictates that this is a child-abuse issue and must be reported to the authorities. At the same time I feel that the authorities can oftentimes make situations worse with thier procedures. My partiality to vigilantism is kind of ruling my current thoughts as well. I would pay money to be able to pay this piece of shit a visit he won't walk away from or live through. I was put in a difficult situation because this was after-hours on a Friday and at a gas station. I didn't know what to do! If I were to call the cops, the abuse trail is rather cold and I don't know if anything can be done. I was at a loss and told him to just keep cool this weekend and avoid confrontation and I gave him my cell number. I told him to call me if ANYTHING at all happens...anytime of day or night. He said he is gunna be at his GF's house and he isnt going back until the guy is gone. This was the least I could do but 48 hours COULD BE LIFE OR DEATH for this poor kid. He told me..."Please dont call the cops!" but I am thinking differently. He says he wants to get his friends together and put the hurt on this motherfucker ASAP. (Which underneath it all I hope happens!!) Right now I can't think clearly due to my rage. Should I bring this to the attention of the deans on Monday? This is a shitty deal because I feel like I am betraying the kids trust by doing so. At the same time he is a kid and must be protected by any means necessary. Even worse is having to stew over this for a weekend. Help me here fellas...your thoughts??? FOX

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Him coming to you was a cry for help IMO. He needs someone. If that man is allowed to continue to abuse him he'll be fucked up forever, my dad did some bad shit to my brother and now he's angry and bitter all the time.

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damn, this is awful!! don't get involved with this beyond a professional level. DO NOT kick this guys ass!!!! if you do you'll end up being the bad one way or another.

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Originally posted by Valryan Him coming to you was a cry for help IMO. He needs someone. If that man is allowed to continue to abuse him he'll be fucked up forever, my dad did some bad shit to my brother and now he's angry and bitter all the time. Word up... Which explains why my only idea for a current solution right now is grotesque violence and maiming...perhaps impalement. Come to think of it...he does carry somewhat of an "I dont care about anything" attitude...I think shit has been bad for a while now. I would hang myself or commit a murderous crime if my mother brought home some ghetto thug "from da club"...let him shack up with her...and allowed him to beat her own child.

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let the police handle this. if i was you i would be ready to kill this guy too but it will only haunt you in the end!!! let it go for now.

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you already know what to do.... you wrote this"My profession dictates that this is a child-abuse issue and must be reported to the authorities. " are you good a your job ? you would be remiss in your professional responsibility if you ignored this..... how will you feel monday when you go to work and the kid doesnt show up cause he is fucking dead !!!! and if this did happen, which parties would bear responsibility for this....?

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Originally posted by Satan let the police handle this. if i was you i would be ready to kill this guy too but it will only haunt you in the end!!! let it go for now. Your absolutely correct. If I have a soft-spot...it is for youth. Childhood is short and I dont feel that any kid should have to live in fear of the people suposed to be nurturing them. I can understand this boyfriend character...he is a piece of shit and must die. Simple enough. What astonishes me is his MOTHER. WHY... bitch ...WHY are you living like this!?!?! This is your flesh and blood! The sad part is..this kid told me he "hates" his mom as well. Says she puts her boyfriends ahead of him and his little brothers and pulls al these jerkoffs home from clubs and bars. FOX

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Women like that don't deserve to have children. It makes me sad. I wish there were some way to keep them from reproducing.

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Originally posted by kapn you already know what to do.... you wrote this"My profession dictates that this is a child-abuse issue and must be reported to the authorities. " are you good a your job ? you would be remiss in your professional responsibility if you ignored this..... how will you feel monday when you go to work and the kid doesnt show up cause he is fucking dead !!!! and if this did happen, which parties would bear responsibility for this....? Your right Kapn. I knew I would end up bringing this to the attention of the upper-echelons. Which is what I am going to do ASAP. Not only am I required by law, as well as profession, but I am coming to the conclusion that getting outside help is his best shot at getting things taken care of properly. But its surprising to see how often state solutions only equal bigger problems and no solution. So its a shitty situation either way. All through my college they hinted on things like this would happen. Then I am confronted by a legit situation and i know what to do...I just let my emotion carry me away a bit and lose focus on the correct procedure here. As for taking responsibility for the situation...I would feel aweful if something occurs over the weekend. Which is why I told him to keep cool, avoid a conflict, and chill out this weekend and call me if there is an emergancy. It was all I could think of at that moment as for what to do. I hope this weekend goes by without incident. FOX

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If you would rather not call the police then call the kid's mother. Tell her you will call the police/social services (whatever you call it in your country) if she doesn't get rid of the guy. The thought of social workers, police and the words "unfit parent" typically terrify even the most apathetic.

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Ok... Just got done calling this domestic abuse hotline thing. I gave them all the info I knew of. I just hope now that whatever is best happens. But personally i hope the kid takes a baseball bat to this guys cranium. If he wont...I will...or someone should. Grrrr FOX

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oh, let me make something clear... dont think i grew a heart, i dont care about the kid... my advice was for FOX's benefit not the kids...

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awww, kapn is getting all warm and fuzzy hahaha

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Originally posted by kapn oh, let me make something clear... dont think i grew a heart, i dont care about the kid... my advice was for FOX's benefit not the kids... LOL It's good knowing there is NO chink in your armor. I trust you more that way 🙂 FOX

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Bro, you have a professional responsibility to report this. You can and will lose your job if the authorities find out you knew and did nothing. If this kid doesnt get help now, he will wind up dead, or you are gonna have another Columbine style incident happening near you. Call NOW.

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