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Trying to get retardedly lean and ripped

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I have done tons of research on here and have gotten excellent advice from everyone in the past and had great results... but i have never gone on an EXTREME cutting diet... according to my tanita scale lol i am at 12% bodyfat, i am actually pretty lean, i can see my abs only when flexed though and i want to be able to see them ALL OF THE TIME... i know that the most important factor is consistency and I am pretty disciplined so here is my regiment:

Cardio: I do a 3 day on 1 day off cycle with the first two days on being low intensity (heart rate around 125-135) on a treadmill 35-40 minutes and the third day is HIIT with either jumping rope or sprints 7-8 sets... cardio is done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach

Training: A Full body workout on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening in the 10-12 rep range to keep the muscles pumped, and afterwards a post workout shake of malto and whey (would the malto have any possibility of being stored as fat here since they are high GI carbs consumed after 7 pm?)

Meal 1: 8 egg whites, onions and fat free cheese, 3/4 cup oatmeal, multivitamin

Meal 2: This one is tough with work so i usually have an ISS Research Pro42 bar or MHP Up Your Mass shake (both have around 42-45 grams of protein and 1g and 3 grams of sugar respectively)

Meal 3: This is usually either Turkey breast or Fish and 3/4 cup Brown rice

Meal 4: Extra Lean ground beef patti and some veggies (brocolli and coliflower) with BCAAs

Meal 5: Ostrich meat snack or beef jerkey (no carbs) with some mixed nuts (almonds and peanuts)

Meal 6: 2 scoops of ON Whey and 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter immediately before bed

I just started about a week ago and follow it to the T, and like I said my goal is to look like a walking anatomy chart.. are there any tips i should know or supplements that would be beneficial to take or if anyone can tell me if there are maybe better things I should be eating or share some diets or regiments that have worked beautifully for them I would be ever so grateful... and as always I am trying to conserve as much muscle as possible

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bcaas before and after workout are essential imo if you are cutting and want to maintain lbm. Good oil, get some flax or udo's choice.. make sure you are taking fish oil supps. what supps are you taking. Increase your cardio to 1 hour.

this is what works for me


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I am taking vasopro ephedrine and prolab caffiene before my cardio, bcaas daily, multivitamin, alcar and vitamin c

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make sure you are taking those bcaas before and after workout/cardio. You might want to get some yhcl to add to your pre-workout mix, just go slow as it cna make you tachy. start at 5mg and work up to 20.


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I actually do have a bottle of yhcl, but i read it is bad to take with ephedrine and caffiene

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i thinkyo could handily skip the epehdrine and take that at another tim esince the combined effects could lead to tachycardia but caffeine and yhcl is a good combination.


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Whats your macro breakdown of your diet? If not tracking, check out It also seems you are not getting fats in your diet. Contrary to popular belief, fat doesnt make you fat (excess calories do). You need EFAs and fats keep satiated when on a caloric deficit (which you need to burn fat).

For that last meal, I would consider Cottage Cheese to prevent your body entering catabolic state while you sleep. Cottage with PB is my bedtime meal. Whey is perfect for pre/post workout.

On a reduced calorie diet (which you need to burn fat), I would suggesting lifting heavy with low volume (3-5 rep range) to maintain that LBM and big lifts such as Bench,Deadlifts,Squats, OH Press.

Dont mix YHCL with ephedrine. I would take the YHCL and Caff before AM fasted cardio. I would take the EC before the workouts. Also HIIT is anabolic, and I wouldnt perform that on an empty stomach ala treat it like a weights workout.

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jb, how many bcaas per lb of bodwt?

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that is a good question, if you read the abstracts it is clear that they have the intended effect, it is just tough to pin down the specifics. I found this in the Journal Of Nutrition:

"Effects of BCAA supplementation on muscle protein metabolism in relation to exercise. The effects of BCAA supplementation before and after exercise on muscle-protein metabolism and exercise-induced muscle damage were examined in humans. It was reported (23) that an oral supplement of BCAAs (77 mg/kg body wt) before exercise increased intracellular and arterial BCAA levels during exercise and resulted in suppression of endogenous muscle-protein breakdown. It was also reported that oral BCAA administration (12 g/d for 2 wk and an additional 20 g each before and after the exercise test) suppressed the rise in serum creatine kinase activity for several days after exercise (24). [b/Similar effects were also observed in a study in which subjects ingested an amino acid mixture (that contained 3.6 g of amino acids with 37% BCAAs) before and after the exercise test and 2 doses/d of the amino acid mixture for 4 d after the exercise test (25). The amino acid supplement also diminished muscle soreness that usually follows exercise.[/b] Although the mechanism responsible for the protective effects of BCAA supplementation against exercise-induced muscle damage and soreness have not been elucidated, it is presumed that stimulation of protein synthesis by leucine and suppression of exercise-induced protein breakdown by BCAAs may be involved. Furthermore, the most effective ratio of the three BCAAs for the beneficial effects is not known. Clearly these interesting observations should be followed up with studies designed to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for the phenomena and to clarify the most effective composition of BCAAs. "


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You don't ripped eating protein bars and mass shakes. Quit the all body workouts and bigin a push-pull split routine. You will gain muscle much faster with method and more muscle increases metabolism.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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forget the whole body workouts,blast two diffrent muscle groups aday,only do cardio on an empty stomach in the morning and leave at least 6 hours before your weit training. try chucking some t-4 in ya mix with ya clen or eph mix that u r doing and always have 500 calories less a day than u need to maintain bodyweit and try and keep ya carbs to a morning thing mate,i am 6 weeks into my cutting diet and most ppl say i am ripped alredy,but hey i wanna look like the geneticly ripped freak as u do so give me another 6 weeks! im only 11stone 8 at the moment tho mate and i was 13 two months back!
