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Super Foods for Muscle

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All throughout magazines, TV ads, and even on the internet; when logging in to your favorite forum or email, you can see advertisements for “Get Ripped Fast” or “Muscle Milk” or a new protein powder. The truth is today’s society is beginning to program individuals with a “fast food mentality”; meaning that everyone wants everything done “now!” If it’s not done “now!” or within a month, then it’s not worth doing at all…even if that accomplishment could prove to be life changing. It’s important to understand that absolutely nothing can be achieved within a “fast food” mentality. In contrary to modern-day propaganda you have to take on the “old school” mindset and work hard at something with persistence in order to succeed. In regards to gaining muscle mass there is no easy way out, you have to train and eat right. Eating right is the majority of the battle, because what you are is determined by what you eat. Eating a diet consisting of processed junk food and its accompanying chemical neuro-toxin soup will only rob precious nutrients and energy that will in turn make you slow; both mentally and physically. In essence, to build up health and all areas of fitness it is vital to fuel with proper nutrition and not empty calories. Foods that have endured throughout history as nature’s protein source are eggs and plant foods. Plant foods are loaded with Amino Acids, which are essentially the building blocks of protein. Just to see how powerful plant foods can be, leaf green vegetables in themselves can provide richer sources and higher percentages of valuable calcium than the standard grocery store Cow Milk.

Eggs and Plant Foods have evolved to meet modern day needs:

Eggs are an abundant source of protein. Furthermore, with modern day technology eggs can be better as they can now be a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Some egg producers are adding in flaxseed to hen feed and thus are increasing the omega-3 fatty acid content of eggs by over six times than that of regular eggs. In addition, Vitamin E; an essential vitamin to the human body and brain, is also added to the flaxseed feed. This process allows the vitamin E content in fortified eggs to be as much as eight times higher than that of normal eggs.

Plant Foods are extremely important to any muscle building regimen as they are classified as superfoods. I will mention a few that are important for muscle mass and gains:

Legumes- Legumes are an excellent sources of protein and fiber. Fiber is critical as it keeps blood sugar and energy levels stable. As far as plant foods go, legumes are high in protein and are a great source of slow releasing complex carbohydrates. Carbs are known to provide a more stable and lasting energy supply for workouts. Legumes can be eaten in soups, chili, stews, or in cold bean salads. You could buy them dry, canned or frozen and basically any supermarket. The most common of legumes are pinto beans, kidney beans, navy beans, lima beens, black beans, lentils, chickpeas, and blac-eyed peas.

Allium vegetables- Garlic, chives, scallions, leeks, and onions are all flavorful additions to a bodybuilding diet. Their benefits are in large part due to their sulfur-containing compounds and the flavonoids such as quercetin. Much like any other plant food, they retain their vitamins and are more beneficial when uncooked. You could add them to anything from sandwiches, salads, pizza, raw soups, salad dressings, and other raw recipes.

Nuts- Overall, nuts are very rich in nutrients; including plant protein, fiber, vitamin E, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, phytoserols, antioxidants and much more. You can add them to recipes or snack on them alone. Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, and Almonds could be a great snack and diet addition for muscle gains. But remember, eating too much of a good thing could increase caloric intake, which could lead to more fat, so keep a guideline as to eating one to two servings per day. One serving is about an ounce or (24 almonds).

Cruciferous Vegetables- Eating cruciferous vegetables is a good way to take in micronutrients without taking in a lot of calories. They can be a bodybuilder’s best friend because they require more calories to be digested than they provide. They help fill you up, but help you to burn more calories too. Watercress, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli are amongst many of cruciferous vegetables. Their great in phytonutrients, and of course plant protein. If losing bodyfat is a goal then these should be a diet focus each and every week.

In short, muscle building puts great demand on the body, so eating right will bring about and maintain good health and natural strength. In the long run it’s about being independently healthy and fit, so super foods and a determined mindset is a good start.

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

Ok where's the link?

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SBH :)

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Joined: 6 years ago
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yo, chill!!
just be glad you are now fully aware that Eggs and Plant Foods have evolved to meet modern day needs
dont ruin this awesome read for the rest of us u jerk

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

At least I don't start a thread that everybody's afraid to post in. LMAO

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SBH :)

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not so sure about the flaxseed in eggs, sure a small minority of farmers may do this, but for the majority is all about battery hens, squeezing the eggs out as fast as possible, maintaining profit margins & not about making a quality product. battery farmed eggs are nothing like free range in terms of taste & probably nutrients

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

I thought the flaxseed fed chickens might be eggland's best. They do have a lot more omega 3's. Of course this could be true of free range in general.

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SBH :)

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free range is a joke now. there are a handful of brand of eggs that are truly letting chickens roam free. most are still stuffed in boxes with a door that is theoretically accessible to the outside world. still they are fed and treated like shit. from what i understand egglands chicks are very unhappy

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

Yeah, I kinda figured that. Giving em flaxseed could be their way of producing 'better' eggs.

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SBH :)

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i think its time to move to the ostrich. their eggs are huge and i can promise you will not be caging one anytime soon. have you ever eaten one?

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

No but I bet they've got a lot of protein grs in them. Where would you get them?

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

Estimable Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 165 ostrich egg is probably equal to about 1dz chick eggs. i have not eaten one myself but have seen them a few times at the farmers market. the problem with using them is their shell crazy strong, very hard to break open

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On the egg bit, I eat a lot of eggs and fully agree that the free range thing is a joke. So is all natural -- I mean they are eggs not Easter candy. At the grocery store, organic can hold some assurance about the quality of the hen feed and what they are exposed to, but not about their "happiness" or general life quality.

I like to open a dozen egg carton and the eggs be cream and brown and blue and different sized, perhaps still a little wet from the farmer washing them. I don't know if there will be a long term difference in the health positives and negatives that eaters of different eggs will experience, but I eat enough of them that I want to know whose kids had to get up stupid early to gather them.

I am going to watch out for ostrich eggs though. Cook one for breakfast and take the left overs for an afternoon snack at work -- that sounds the ticket.

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Whole Grains – Brown Rice, Barley, Oatmeal

Whole grains help the bodybuilder maintain a level energy for heavy training. This superfood should be on every bodybuilder’s diet menu. Whole grains like oatmeal, barley, spelt, brown rice provide a great source for vitamins, essential fatty acids, and fiber.

Joined: 7 years ago
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Posted by: KarenJetto
Whole Grains – Brown Rice, Barley, Oatmeal

Whole grains help the bodybuilder maintain a level energy for heavy training. This superfood should be on every bodybuilder’s diet menu. Whole grains like oatmeal, barley, spelt, brown rice provide a great source for vitamins, essential fatty acids, and fiber.

I make my best gains and feel my best on a paleo/dairy diet which eliminates whole grains. I also keep animal fats. This is similar to my diet. 0" target="_blank" rel="noopener">;=23400

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