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Pre & Post Workout Meals?

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Now that is the shit I am looking for. Keep it up

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Originally posted by highTestosterone k.. how's this for eating.. I wake up.. eat 9 whole eggs and a pound of lean ground beef.. plus a PB&J sandwich (very generous on the PB)... then I train.. then I finish the jar of PB and drink 1.5 litres of milk.. plus take all my vitamins and special vitamins.. then do site injections.. then shower.. then protein shake with about 120g of protein in it... plus lots of sugar and fruits hehe.. then I go out.. eat 2 doubles with cheese from wendy's... then go to this buffet where I pig out on roast beef, scalopped potatoes, potato salad, lots of pasta with alfredo sauce/cheese sauces... mmmmm... stir fry.. then lots of cheesecake.. and lots of caesar salad.. then come home.. eat a huge fruit salad, another PB and jelly sandwich.. another quart of milk (had lots more milk while I was out during the day.. plus some fruizzi thing at second cup).. now i'm sitting here.. I ate a ton of marshmellows.. i'm eating bacon.. drinking a bottle of orange crush.. taking my vitamins.. and chugging a litre of water behind it all... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......... dbol makes you hungry.. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and pig out on cereal or eggs You Im just jelous....hehe

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I work out after work. Since I sit on my ass all day at work, I just keep shovelling food in. My last meal before working out is about 45 minutes before hand, usually pasta or something similar (such as Spaghettios:D). Then a protein shake about 1/2 before. Immediately after the workout, before leaving the gym, I have a nice high GI draink - usually either Tang or Gatorade (I buy the powder and mix it up nice and thick - much more calorific than the pre-mixed stuff). Go home, shower, and have a protein drink (small in comparison to many people's apparently - about 25-30 grams protein plus 5 grams glutamine). Then about a half hour later I'll eat an actual meal. I don't agree with the theory that you need huge quantities of protein after working out. Your body doesn't do most of it's growing then, so why shovel in so much protein? With the protein shake and meal afterwards, I probably get around 50-60 grams, and the glutamine, which I'm confident is enough (I've tried getting much more, and didn't notice a difference). And immediately after working out your body needs carbs to replace the spent glycogen, more so than protein. I think I notice a better effect from waking up in the middle of the night to have a protein shake (25-30 grams) to keep growing through the night, rather than a giant shake right after working out when your body is more concerned with repairing damage than growing.

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