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Post Cycle Nutrition after a 4 week DNP cycle

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Still alive on DNP

in about 4 days I'll be out of my 4 week DNP cycle. I have gone as far as 700 mg ED. The last two weeks were supported by 37.5 mcg of t3 either. so any of use suggest me a postvcycle nutrition. After the cycle my T3 levels would be very low.

I'm really afraid to have any rebound during the carb load. But I know that that's a must.

How shall I overcome this?
1)ycogen fulfilling
2)Stimulating the thyroid
3)But at the same time not gainig any BF?


pliz do not ignore this


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Still alive on DNP

in about 4 days I'll be out of my 4 week DNP cycle. I have gone as far as 700 mg ED. The last two weeks were supported by 37.5 mcg of T3 either. So any of u suggest me a postvcycle nutrition? After the cycle my T3 levels would be very low.

I'm really afraid to have any rebound during the carb load. But I know that that's a must.

How shall I overcome this?
1)glycogen fulfilling
2)Stimulating the thyroid
3)But at the same time not gainig any BF?


pliz do not ignore this


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and protein/carbs.

You are going to gain weight. It's a given. You depleted your glycogen stores for 4 weeks. I would do a carb load day and then moderate carbs for 6 days and do that for a few weeks. Really keep your protein intake high.

Try to take maltodextrin with protein after working out.

Water! Water! Water!

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

Death gotta be easy, cause life is'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred~50 Cent

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Glad your still with us!

I am going to take a big 200mg DNP for my impending vacation, that does the job for me, if I am feeling brave I may go 400 for the 1st 2 days.

I shall be using 40ug of T3 per day with it.

I would really not worry too much about your thyroid, it will be fine, just eat well, watch the carbs, you are already depleated as said above, so you will not spill over as long as you dont gorge.

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thanx guys for the feedback

So u suggest a carb load day

and then moderate carbs for about 6 days.
The last two questions are:

1) because the thyroid has almost shut down, would it be good to have two training sessions a day?
2) After the glycogen stores have been filled, what is the chance of gaining BF due to the slow metabolism? In order to overcome this possibility, shall I keep the calories in maintenance level or higher?
3) Shall I start an ECA stack or salbutamol for stimulating thyroid?


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Posted by: threelords
1) because the thyroid has almost shut down, would it be good to have two training sessions a day?
2) After the glycogen stores have been filled, what is the chance of gaining BF due to the slow metabolism? In order to overcome this possibility, shall I keep the calories in maintenance level or higher?
3) Shall I start an ECA stack or salbutamol for stimulating thyroid?


If you can do two a days, then take advantage of it.

I would recommend doing your cardio in the morning and do long, moderate intensity cardio sessions, i.e 60 to 90 minutes where your heart is pumping and you are breathing but not breathless.

Later in the day, do high rep weight training, 12 to 20 reps depending on what you are doing. I always like to do 20 reps for legs...

Don't worry about the bf right now. The weight is going to play games with your head because your muscles are starving at this point. You're going to be more fuller. With the exercise, your chance of gaining bf is limited unless you eat garbage.

The ECA stack is up to you. I would look at an ECY stack if anything...

Information that Tazmaniac presents is totally fictitious in nature and is presented for role playing purposes only. The opinions presented do not encourage the use of illegal substances nor take the place of professional medical advice.

Death gotta be easy, cause life is'll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred~50 Cent

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tazmaniac, hi bro

two in a day is OK but if I have the cardio in the morning, then I'll need to have the weights up between 8-10 PM. And after the workout I'll need a proworkout meal. So the proworkout meal will be very close to sleep time. Since I'll take quite enough carbs, won't it be a problem from the fat gain point. Does it sound right if I have the cardio at PM and afterwards, just have a protein shake or sthing not insulin-stimulating?
