Post Cardio Nutriti...
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Post Cardio Nutrition!?!?!?!

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OK, I know that after a hard weight-training workout that you are your supposed to get a meal in as quick as possisble containing both protein and carbs in the quickiest delivery system as possible ie.] whey protein and carb drink with high GI.

Now, would this be the same meal for after a cardio workout? I have heard mixed comment on this from multiple people. Some say wait a while after cardio to eat a meal (up to an hour afterwards) and some say to just do the same meal as after a weight-training workout and get that meal in you as quick as possible.

And after you answer that question, would it be a different meal intake for a HIIT Cardio workout or a regular cardio workout? Since HIIT cardio is only done on EOD.

I don't really want to go into the whole discussion of "eating a meal before or not eating a meal before" cardio in the morning, but it might be necessary for a complete discussion of these questions.

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If you do HIIT cardio, you want to wait for at least an hour to eat... However, as soon as you are done with the cardio, you want to drink enough water to replenish all the water lost during the session...

As for pre-cardio, opinions are diverse... However, what I've seen to work, and what I like to do myself, is to take a whey protein shake right before the workout, as studies show that doing so helps to prevent muscle loss, and yet promotes fat loss...

hope this helps..

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My trainer has told me that you need both PWO in both scenerios, but to do more carbs : protein PWO when you do cardio, more protein : carbs when you strength train.

Have also read what MM says about protein pre-workout, also if you do carbs that they are more effective as low GI carbs.

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If your doing interval cardio that's high intensity like sprints or stair running, I'd use post workout shakes just like after lifting. 3:1 ratio of carbs and protein.

If it's lower intesity, like a jog, I don't find it as important. You'll still loose muscle glycogen, but I don't really see this as overly taxing to your muscle tissue providing that you have ~normal levels of muscle glycogen at the outset(IE, not carb depleted).
I personally don't bother with a high carb shake if I'm just going to jog for 4-6 miles.

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Posted by: mystery_meat
If you do HIIT cardio, you want to wait for at least an hour to eat... However, as soon as you are done with the cardio, you want to drink enough water to replenish all the water lost during the session...

As for pre-cardio, opinions are diverse... However, what I've seen to work, and what I like to do myself, is to take a whey protein shake right before the workout, as studies show that doing so helps to prevent muscle loss, and yet promotes fat loss...

hope this helps..

What is the reason to wait for an hour after a HITT session?

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Posted by: liftsiron
What is the reason to wait for an hour after a HITT session?

I wondered why he wrote that too. HIIT should be treated more like a lifting workout as far as post nutrition.

I also don't really agree with a shake just before starting your workout. Be better to eat a snack or small meal about 35-70 minutes before you begin. As MM said, opinions vary on this, though.

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There are a few threads if you hit up the search engine about the importance of a pure whey shake about an hour before your cardio routine.

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The reason to have a whey protein shake before your cardio is to prevent muscle loss, and yet loose fat... it was proven that if you consume anything else before cardio, you are indeed hurting the benefits you would otherwise receive...

As for waiting an hour, the reasoning is that after a HIIT session your body remails on an a "workout mode" for about 45 minutes to an hour after you are done, and you want to wait until after that to eat...

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Posted by: mystery_meat
The reason to have a whey protein shake before your cardio is to prevent muscle loss, and yet loose fat... it was proven that if you consume anything else before cardio, you are indeed hurting the benefits you would otherwise receive...

As for waiting an hour, the reasoning is that after a HIIT session your body remails on an a "workout mode" for about 45 minutes to an hour after you are done, and you want to wait until after that to eat...

If I'm not mistaken, Whey would simply provide protein at a quicker rate than other sources of protein, thus it would be the best choice just prior. But if you eat, say 6-8 egg whites 30 minutes prior, I believe the results would be the same.
That's not really why I said that though. My main arguement against shakes just before cardio is stomach upset. Which is why I agreed with you about different opinions on the shake, it bothers some people(like me), and doesn't others.

The HIIT thing is a new one on me though.
