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I am Currently Poor. And I am trying to bulk for another 4 months! 🤬ย 

I'd love to see what you guy's eat whilst trying to gain mass, and well being poor! Here's what's in my kitchen

Nat. PB
WW Pasta (the stuff is dirt cheap)
Any frozen veggies I can afford
Any fruit that's on sale, mainly banana's/apples
Chicken Drumsticks/Thighs (these are dirt cheap, eat'n em with no skin)
any Red Meat that's on sale
Tuna, by the case ๐Ÿ™
Egg' Whites, Whole Egg's (good cheap protein)

This is it! I also stock up on crystal Light (when it's on sale) and im trying to get as big as I can off this diet ๐Ÿ™ Not too easy, im mighty sick of Oat's/Tuna!

Help me out guys!

This topic was modified 1 month ago 2 times by Potential661

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At times, you can catch canned chicken on sale. At least it's a break from the Tuna. I also get canned Salmon when it's on sale as well. Heres a recipe I came across on another board that actually turned out pretty good. It breaks the monotony up a little bit. Muffins Preheat the oven at 425 whilel your making the batter IN a bowl combine 1-1/2 cup oats 8 eggwhites water for volume ( not sure how much enough so i can fill up the tray) Spray the Tray with Fat Free Pam Let them cook for 25 min at 425.

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Posted by: @rmtt

At times, you can catch canned chicken on sale. At least it's a break from the Tuna. I also get canned Salmon when it's on sale as well. Heres a recipe I came across on another board that actually turned out pretty good. It breaks the monotony up a little bit. Muffins Preheat the oven at 425 whilel your making the batter IN a bowl combine 1-1/2 cup oats 8 eggwhites water for volume ( not sure how much enough so i can fill up the tray) Spray the Tray with Fat Free Pam Let them cook for 25 min at 425.

Wow bro that's a simple recipe! maybe add some raisin's in there? or choc chips? im going to give it a shot today ! ๐Ÿ™‚

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I really liked it. And I'm so tired of eating oatmeal. I never thought about raisins. Great idea! I will try that next time. I also thought about substituting milk in place of water for more calories. I may try that as well.

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Posted by: @potential661

I am Currently Poor. And I am trying to bulk for another 4 months! 🤬ย 

I'd love to see what you guy's eat whilst trying to gain mass, and well being poor! Here's what's in my kitchen

Nat. PB
WW Pasta (the stuff is dirt cheap)
Any frozen veggies I can afford
Any fruit that's on sale, mainly banana's/apples
Chicken Drumsticks/Thighs (these are dirt cheap, eat'n em with no skin)
any Red Meat that's on sale
Tuna, by the case ๐Ÿ™
Egg' Whites, Whole Egg's (good cheap protein)

This is it! I also stock up on crystal Light (when it's on sale) and im trying to get as big as I can off this diet ๐Ÿ™ Not too easy, im mighty sick of Oat's/Tuna!

I will help you out. First of all you call that bulk foods? Where is the high calorie dense foods that alot of people eat on bulk diets? Hell I only eat that clean when I am getting ready to go on a show diet. Trust me man a cheeseburger, pizza and other foods used in moderation can go a long way on a bulk diet to really help you pack on size and power. Been doing this for nearly 30 years now and when I approached the great ED Corny 20 years ago with a diet just like yours he asked me if I was on a diet!!!

He is the one that taught me how to eat for bulk cause its damn near impossible to keep a six pack and bulk at the same time unless you are on a damn good GH cycle. Good luck and EAT!!! I might get some flac for my ideas but I know it pushed me past average when I added some old school bulk food. Inkman

This post was modified 1 month ago by Admin

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Posted by: @inkman

I will help you out. First of all you call that bulk foods? Where is the high calorie dense foods that alot of people eat on bulk diets? Hell I only eat that clean when I am getting ready to go on a show diet. Trust me man a cheeseburger, pizza and other foods used in moderation can go a long way on a bulk diet to really help you pack on size and power. Been doing this for nearly 30 years now and when I approached the great ED Corny 20 years ago with a diet just like yours he asked me if I was on a diet!!!

He is the one that taught me how to eat for bulk cause its damn near impossible to keep a six pack and bulk at the same time unless you are on a damn good GH cycle. Good luck and EAT!!! I might get some flac for my ideas but I know it pushed me past average when I added some old school bulk food. Inkman

moderation is key, though. Eat like a fat ass and you will look like one. It is no fun getting 20+lbs overweight and then having to lose it come spring time. I started my new bulking phase of my training yesterday, and will have 2 days out of 5 in which I am allowed to eat burgers, pizza, waffles, stuff like that. The other 5 I will eat a cleaner diet. I think some of us get so impatient with the scale that we stuff our faces and gain mostly fat just so we can see the numbers on the scale go up. i don't own a scale anymore for this reason. I don't care what I weigh, I care what the mirror says.

This post was modified 1 month ago by Admin

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You need Kraft Dinner if it is ever on sale.

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Posted by: @biggreene

I think some of us get so impatient with the scale that we stuff our faces and gain mostly fat just so we can see the numbers on the scale go up. i don't own a scale anymore for this reason. I don't care what I weigh, I care what the mirror says.

Couldn't have said it any better myself BG...I fooled myself into being all kinds of a fat ass...eating crap...loosing muscle and deluding myself since my scale told me I was still x number...not good...but I digress...some (a select few) can get away with eating absolute shit and be okay so long as they are still banging weights like a madman...but for most of us we need to stay clean/fairly clean...which brings us back to Potentials dilemna...

1) know anybody with a costco or sams card...that you can tag along with on shopping runs...these places are FAN FUCKING TANTISTIC for bbers...if not maybe you can skrimp and buy one your self...I prefer costco but go with what's in your area...if you have an ALDI around these places rock for low prices as well, no card needed but I think they are strictly a ChiTown/Northern IL thing...

2) know anybody who works in/at a restuarant in your area...if so see if you can get the meal discount hook up from them when they work or are off work...or see if you can just get hooked up with freebies...just try not to be a leech and sour the relationship...using this methid will get you variety and some high cal foods 1-3 or however many times per week you use this hook-up...

3)consider getting a job in a bar/restaurant or club...I have yet to work in a place (I'm 31 and have worked in MANY) that will not put you in touch with ither industry people that can hook you up, plus they nearly always feed you for free everytime you work a shift...if not free substantial discount...befriend the chicos in the kitchen and you'll get hooked up even more...added bonus if you're single these places are great to work at to meet chics ๐Ÿ˜€

3a) is there a butcher/slaughterhouse in your area? a fishmarket?

3b) always be shopping ads, etc

4) now the easy won't be perfect but if you're bulking you can do it nicely on : -ramen noodles or wheat pastas (wheat is cheap buy bulk if you need cheaper than ramen go on food stamps :p ) -brown rice (bought in bulk) -oatmeal -peanut butter skip the extra cost for natural...just buy a low sugar brand -chicken breast (don't buy boneless/skinless-deskin and debone them yourself and save like 1.80 per pound) -whatever meat is on sale (buy a tenderizer or use a hammer and season it to taste) -eat pork -milk (especially when on sale) -eggs (pull yolks as you see fit) -black beans -tortillas (preferably corn) -sale fish -sale veggies and fruits (you covered this...celery, peppers, apples) -ask family, friends, coworkers...anyone who would buy you a gift for any occasion to get you a gift card for the grocery store (well hint anyway) -burritos (the cheapo frozen ones) yes high fat but if eating as above they won't be the death of you... I've been poor...VERY poor ( we can compare notes sometime ๐Ÿ˜‰ and as trite as it sounds "it comes down to mind over matter...if you don't mind then it doesn't matter" yes the eating will doesn't ever really get any easier...but do your best to palate it because it is WELL worth it in the end my man...and seriously think about employment situations where you reap some kind of benefit to your bb efforts as well as decent or best you can find didn't mention how many jobs you have currently...maybe you have to pick up another one...or at least a p/t one to help fund your goals...been there sucks...but again is worth it...

This post was modified 1 month ago by Admin

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Heavy Hands, Great post bro! I Pm'ed you about the situation! Inkman, I will eat pizza burger's, things like that if they are free, but im coming into a situation where i really, REALLY need to have a low food budget, living with family (well im changing business's), I'll eat anything free, but free is very limited !

Dan Gable
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you would be damn suprised how much coupons help!!!!!! Also buy in bulk!!!!!! My favorite bulking food is chillie!!!!!!!!! I get the cheapest kind I can find add my own beef or even chicken or(here come the flames) TUNA....its not bad!! I add cheese and a little salsa and you dont know wtf your eating but its good high cal high protien cheap and easy!!!!! put it over brown rice or whole grain tortilla chips and your good to go good luck!!

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in my neck of the woods u can pick up london broils real cheap (like $5-6 for ~2.5lbs). when i was bulking i'd eat like one a day. also lean ground beef.

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oh and if you're in an area where u can hunt, venison is great I can fish! but hunting is costly, guns' are expensive, and i think the loops you have to go through to get a licence to kill something are long and costly as well! I shoudl really start fishing, and eat free fish 3x per day ๐Ÿ™‚

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u can get a shotgun cheap at your local kmart/walmart. most states u take a hunter safety course once which is pretty cheap. licenses vary by state but one year getting your deer limit and the meat will cover your cost already

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Posted by: @mac83

u can get a shotgun cheap at your local kmart/walmart. most states u take a hunter safety course once which is pretty cheap. licenses vary by state but one year getting your deer limit and the meat will cover your cost already

Im in canada Only natives hunt for cheap

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Posted by: @heavyhands

Couldn't have said it any better myself BG...I fooled myself into being all kinds of a fat ass...eating crap...loosing muscle and deluding myself since my scale told me I was still x number...not good...but I digress...some (a select few) can get away with eating absolute shit and be okay so long as they are still banging weights like a madman...but for most of us we need to stay clean/fairly clean...which brings us back to Potentials dilemna...

1) know anybody with a costco or sams card...that you can tag along with on shopping runs...these places are FAN FUCKING TANTISTIC for bbers...if not maybe you can skrimp and buy one your self...I prefer costco but go with what's in your area...if you have an ALDI around these places rock for low prices as well, no card needed but I think they are strictly a ChiTown/Northern IL thing...

you said it. Only reason I have a membership, can't beat 65g protein out of a can of chicken. Look for specials at drug stores, often they'll have canned tuna or salmon on sale cheap. Reminds me, they're 2/$1 today! Hispanic markets are great for buying bulk meat. If you don't have a problem shopping at a non-union store...that's why it's so cheap. But they get you on most everything else, so I just buy meat, fruit and veggies and get out.

This post was modified 1 month ago by Admin

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