Nutrient Partitioni...
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Nutrient Partitioning

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Can someone please explaing to me what this term means "Nutrient Partitioning" or point me in the right direction to where I can understand what it means. I have done searches here and on other sites but to no avail. Much appreciate any help.

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hmm, it gets confusing since many supplements bandy the term around to make their product more saleable. simply put it just describes whether or not a given amount or type of food under certain circumstances will be stored as fat or burned as fuel, heat, or excreted. an example, food intake in the presence of increased leptin will shift to the latter.


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Eat very well pre and post w/o are probably the most important thing that you can do as far as diet. Provided that you eat clean to begin with.

liftsiron is a fictional character and should be taken as such.

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Appreciate the replies guys, I heard some people mention it so I wanted to know/learn more about it. Sometimes when I would research it I would come up with post on Insulin and a multitude of other topics. What I gathered to date is simply through proper eating and suppliments, is taking advantage of when the body will utilize to the fullest it's ability to uptake carbs and proteins to the muscles not the fat cell. As Liftsiron mentioned pre and post workout nurishment and clean eating and diet. Past the natural body functions the manipulation of the process thru suppliments, Alcar, R-ALA. BCAA, Glutimine and so on. Then to take it to another level one could use products such as insulin. Thus heavy carbs and protein post workout verse no carbs at bedtime would be nutrient partitioning in it's basic form. Would you say that this is the basic grasp of my question, "Nutrient Partitioning"? I have only been reading (2 years) and attempting to impliment in my life what I have learned (1.5 years). I have not only learned a great deal, but have also benefited greatly from what I have learned and applied to my life. It truly is amazing the amount of knoweldge one can not only learn, but also how much is needed to learn.
As always...

