Noxious gas emittin...
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Noxious gas emitting from ass due to diet

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Well lately I have really been putting back the protein and sometimes it's hard to get all 400g down in a day but I have come to notice an unfortunate side effect that the people around me love to no end. I produce frequent, copius farts that quite frankly even make my eyes water. I have become skilled in the art of the silent release while on the move but the people that are around me frequently have caught on that is me producing the god awful stench from my ass. Anyone else have this problem? How can I get the whiners around me to shut up? what a bunch of pussies

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You could be courteous and take a ginger root tab with every shake or meal. It works for me. I normally take three tabs every eight hours and it keeps the noxious farts away. I think others would agree. In my job, it's a necessity. I can't live with the pain of holding it in and I can't let it go for fear of embarassing myself in a business/court situation. Try it and see if it works. You can get it cheap at just about any on-line supplement store or you could get some at the walmart pharmacy. Good luck. Later, pinus strobus aka the big tree

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Don't worry about the prolonged, silent release. Girls do that stuff. You've got to do it Enola Gay HUGE release followed by a hasty retreat. Just like a real abomb blast, the people at the epicenter get absolutely bombarded, and the people further away get a slower, prolonged exposure.

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You're lucky if it takes u 400 grams of protein to get gas... i fart at much lower levels lol

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I do use my gas in my own form of biological warfare in the gym. Where I work out GVT, which I think should be renamed MEF (monopolizing equipment forever), is common place and this drives me nuts. Every once in a while I want to do some military presses in the smith machine but every time there is always some guy or other doing ten sets of close grip and monopolizes the fucking thing for 30-40 minutes. They tend to travel in pairs and refuse to let me work in or to let me get to the equipment. Of course they max out at 135 too. Well my response is to stand in their vacinity and summon as much gas as I possibly can into my bowels and then let loose my copius gaseous payload in their direction. I immediately walk away and let them deal with the god awful stench. They seem to move faster then. Damn, I cant stand those bastards.

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I hear you bro.. ..There are guys at my gym who smell like a dead pucking rotting cow.. I mean they have no personal hygene, wear the same cloths every day, etc... I mean I dont smell like a rose when I walk out of the gym, but these guys are the worst, sometimes when they are in the same room, we fart because the farts smell better than suffering their stench.. :upchuck: :upchuck:

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Why be sad about your ass gas? Let it go and enjoy the show!!!

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If it smells really bad - it's a sign that you are not absorbing all the protein you're consuming. In other words - you're eating way too much protein. (it's hazardous) Why 400 g of protein? --- you need approx 1g per 1 pound of your body weight. (that's when you are on a very intense workout schedule) Drop your protein intake and see if your urine is not too dark. Also, if you've been doing this for a while (ie consuming that much protein) - check your liver. Jay

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use a multi-enzyme tablet that contains the following: -amylase (carb digestion) -lipase (fats) -lactase (dairy) -protease (protein) -cellulase (indigestible fiber) and add acidophillus and ginger as needed

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Try Gas-x. It works for me. Also sounds like you may be taking in a little too much protein. Try cutting down 50g's or so and see how that helps. Good Luck

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I personally enjoy the smell and laugh at it everytime. That must be the kid in me.

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Sick Mo-Fo
