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help me lean down

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Please help I was thinking of doing a bulk cycle and everyone says I'm to fat I am acording to body fat calculators at around 19-20% body fat but I'm realy not fat I have a little bit of stuff on my lower abs and lower chest but the rest of my body I think is fairly lean I do how ever know that I have to change my diet I'm 6'1 212lbs and have been training for a while but cant seem to trim what should I eat and how oftened should I eat to keep my matabolism going at a steady pace and how much water should I drink in a day Please some one help this is driving me mad I know if I just stop eating its not going to help either and should aI do a cutting cycle with a proper diet or just do hard work with a proper diet If I can ever figure one out please help

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I had great results with low carbs diet and 1.5 g protein per lbs. Sure in the morning I do cardio for 30 minutes on empty stomach and in the evening ( thanx BigWill for advice is much better after I split the trainings) I do my weight training. I ams sure you dont hurry for a contest so till next summer you can loose the fat and put then some lean muscle

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Every 20% bf person thinks they only have a "little around the waist and chest, and lean everywhere else" I would definitely recommend leaning out before trying to gain. it will give you much more ground to gain without getting over fat. There are many threads outlining good diets in this forum.

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complete agreement with previous two posts sure its great to put on muscle but if you are starting at 20% and are a beginner, getting fatter is most likely going to make you look terrible, impact on your confidence (and hence future training), and then give you a hell of a job later when you try to trim down (opening a new can of worms here) try to get under 15% before you go on a bulking cycle, youll be much better off for it in the long run cheers

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thanks alot guys I will take your advice and hold off for sure I just need to do a little more research and get a better dietplan going

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Big bump for what trop and fatbastard said...Trust me dude, the number one rule of cutting, is...Dont let yourself get so fucking fat in the first place! I just went through the same thing, when I powerlifted/bulked for almost a year and got up to 260 lbs, looked big in a shirt or long-sleeve, people tellin me i'm gettin huge, so I was thinking "Oh well, its mostly all muscle, sure my gut is 40 inches but my arms are 20, so fuck it!" Then finally took a few pics shirtless and saw what a fatass I had let myself become, and tested bf at 25%! Started dieting/cardio at that point, its been 5 months and am down to 210 at 17% now, and still have a good 8 or so weeks to go till I get back down to a fairly lean 12%....Trust me , cutting this long sucks, and the fatter you let yourself get, the longer youre gonna have to endure it,lol

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Read this thread, read what Trop and data wrote (im starting to feel like a broken record)

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Based on your numbers, you're carrying 42 lbs of fat around on that 212 frame. Need to drop 18 lbs of fat before even thinking about aas. Remember though as you drop fat you drop muscle too, so that goal weight of 194 (212-18) actually decreases as well. Not fun. I really think your training and nutrition have to be dead on and maintained for at least a year before even thinking about AAS. See if you can maintain 15% for a year and then consider "help"

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Alin, Are you still gonna post all of that proof of whatever the fuck is going on between you and Mike Strong on Meso-Rx? I can't tell which posts are yours for real and those of imposters.... What exactly is the fued about all I hear are claims of scamming by the same guys over and over again. Sources attacking each other just isn't right. That damn board is a zoo filled with scammers. It's pathetic.

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If you think about it 1/5th of your total mass if just unwanted fat. You sound young and in a hurry to get big. Get lean ... try to drop at least half of your fat ... you will have/burn more energy as your metabolic heater cranks up ... physiologically your whole system will recuperate faster (endocrine to muscular system) ... you will feel and look athletic.
