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What is your favorite training style for building mass? What is the most amount of sets and reps for each bodypart?

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1 body part once a week works very well for me. I keep rep range around 6-8 for three sets, the fourth I strip the weight down to 70% and crank out 15 reps...leaves them fried.

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I like to stay in the lower rep ranges with more sets, 4-6 at 4-8 reps. I find i get a really deep pump and only train to failure about every two or three weeks. I workout 4 times a week, and for no more than an hour at a time with no more than 20 sets per workout, but depending on how many reps i am doing the amount of sets may go up. Darko

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Stick in the 5-8 rep range, & keep the total volume of sets somewhat low, but train with maximum intensity, using, drop sets, negative, partials, forced reps, rest pause...& etc intesity increasing techniques. Stroyer

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I like the train heavy with 5-8 rep range. usually 2 sets per movement. not including warmup sets.

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I stick with the 4 rep range. as heavy as possible for just a couple of reps. it's almost power lifting but hey it works for me. every one is different and you need to find what works for you.

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Depends on the phase of training I'm in and also what muslce group I'm working. Example: I will always do more sets for legs than biceps. Or More sets for back (it's half your upper body) than biceps.

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I ahve to agree with Titaniomspine on this one. I don't thinkthat a pump routine will help you as much as a trength routine but you need them both really to help yourself grow and really add to your physique. Breaking your workout into mesocycles that work both aspects really are the best way for me to make big gains but its all up to what you respond to

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I have a routine that I give to all my clients if they want to build size and mass quickly... I don't give them AS but if I did then the growth would out of this world. Here is the intermediate rountine that I use.... Days: Monday & Thursday Body parts: Legs; Back; Biceps; and Forearms Exercise Squats / Leg Press 4 Sets 10,8,6,4 Leg Curls 2 Sets 10,8 Pullovers 3 Sets 15,10,6 Rows 2 Sets 8,6 Barbell Curls 2 Sets 8,6 Incline Curls 2 Sets 6,6 Wrist Curls 2 Sets 10,10 Days: Tuesday & Friday Body parts: Calves; Chest; Shoulders; and Triceps Exercise Calf Raises 3 Sets 15,10,8 Sit-ups 2 Sets 6,6 Bench Press 3 Sets 15,10,6 Incline Press 2 Sets 6,6 Press Behind-neck 3 Sets 10,8,6 Pushdowns 2 Sets 10,6 Close Grip Bench Press 2 Sets 6,6 Maxmuscle66

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An excellent method of training to add some lean muscle mass is German Volume Training. It is the 10 sets of 10 rep principle with 4-0-2 tempo popularized by Charles Poliquin. The original workout was a little boring so I have seen an excellent version of it on T-mag called GVT 2000. Give it a try it will eat you up but you get a really deep soreness.
