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fat burning during sub-max exercise after resistance training

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this is an interesting study that found sub-maximal exercise 20 min. after resistance training burned more fat than alone or done later after resistance training.


Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007 Feb;39(2):308-15. Links
Effects of Resistance Exercise on Lipolysis during Subsequent Submaximal Exercise.Goto K, Ishii N, Sugihara S, Yoshioka T, Takamatsu K.
1Department of Life Sciences, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Komaba, Tokyo, JAPAN; and 2Institute of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, JAPAN.

PURPOSE:: This study examined effects of prior resistance exercise on fat metabolism during subsequent submaximal exercise with different recovery periods between exercise bouts. METHODS:: Ten male subjects performed three types of exercise regimens: 1) submaximal endurance exercise only (E), 2) submaximal endurance exercise with prior resistance exercise and 20 min of rest (RE20), and 3) submaximal endurance exercise with prior resistance exercise and 120 min of rest (RE120). Resistance exercise consisted of six exercises, each with three to four sets at 10-repetition maximum. Subjects performed cycle ergometer exercise at 50% of the maximal oxygen uptake for 60 min. RESULTS:: Prior resistance exercise caused increases in blood lactate, plasma norepinephrine, serum growth hormone (GH), insulin, and glycerol concentrations (P < 0.01). Before the submaximal exercise, serum free fatty acid (FFA) concentration was higher in the RE120 than in the RE20 and E trials (P < 0.01), although concentrations of plasma norepinephrine, serum GH, insulin, and glycerol were higher in the RE20 than in the RE120 and E trials (P < 0.05). Concentrations of FFA and glycerol during the 60-min submaximal exercise were higher in the RE120 and RE20 trials than in the E trial (P < 0.05). No significant difference was observed in the acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate responses. In the RE20 trial, fat oxidation throughout the 60-min submaximal exercise (mean value) was greater than in the E trial (P < 0.05), but no significant difference was found between the RE120 and E trials. CONCLUSION:: Fat availability during the submaximal exercise was enhanced by prior resistance exercise. However, augmentation of fat oxidation was observed only in the trial with shorter rest between resistance exercise and submaximal exercise bouts (RE20 trial).

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That's interesting and what I do everyday.

"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.

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it would be interesting to se if the converse is tue, ie if muscle growth and recoovery is affected fro SM exercise after your workout.


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As athlets we all know, or should know, the average person can store 45 minutes of ATP, while people that train in the range we do can store up to 70 minutes.
Depending on what my client wants when i train would affect if i had them do cardio forst or after weight training.
If BF loss is your main goal then weight lifting after cardio I BELIEVE is best, and of course vice versa
Before i throw 10 plates on the rack i always get in a good 10 minutes of bike or elipitical.
remember, stretch after you're warm, not before

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it would be nice to see a study with that conclusion, ie cardio followed by resistance training.

supplychain, seems like you have a wealth of knowledge in training, this is a great opportunity to mesh that with research.

Personally i prefer to do my weight training first regardless of whether i am trying to lose or gain weight. just a personal comfort thing.


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I am like you JB, I always prefer to do my cardio after weight training, but what Supplychain suggest may be more beneficial for someone like me, one who still needs to drop some BF. I have always worried that I am messing up my my window for my pwo shake being that I lift first then spend 35 minutes on the treadmill then 10+ minutes in the sauna, and then another 10+ minutes getting dressed to leave. I have been taking my sups prior to entering the sauna so they are hopefully working by the time I hit the car and drink my pwo shake. Doing cardio first as Supplychain's suggest may allow one to loose less muscle than doing it the other way, weights then treadmill. Sounds interesting, I have always stayed away from this do to the fact that the treadmill really takes it out of me, but this may not be the case anymore, I may try this tomorrow. Supplychain or JB, do you think that a small protein shake with minimal carbs 70/30 or 24P/7C would aid in recovery from the treadmill helping you to still have a intense weight training session, I am 190lb needing to loose about 10 more lb's of fat, but still want to keep the muscle.
Thanks DblThunder

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i think that if you take bcaa's prior to a workout or cardio that along with the PW shake you will not lose muscle.


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Thanks JB, I've been taking bcaa, 6g pre wo and 6gr pwo.

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depends on your total workout duration. If over an hour then yes, i would take a small protein/carb drink during the entire workout, not just after or between sessions.
As a cyclist i dont start using a carb drink or energy gel an hour into my workout, i start using them right away in an atempt to keep my glycegen stores somewhat topped off.

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Supplychain, thanks, I will give this new routine a try tomorrow. Like some of your clients, I too wish too still burn BF.

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supply.....you coach????

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