hi, are there diet pills that actually help you to lose fat?
what about ephedra?
has anyone experience with pills that really help?
it's for my gf, she participates a miss election but has to lose some kilo's before the contest
thank you in advance
Yes, it works, but you have to study it better before using it.
"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about your happiness. The rewards are going to come, but my happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing" ~ Jackie Joyner Kersee.
thank you for your reply
the truth is I have read too much of the stuff, so I don't know what to decide now.
Some say this product is good, someone else say it's not etc
I take a weight loss pill called ALLI, it is OTC and is taken with food, I have lost a few pounds with it already but just started a few weeks ago, check out Alli - weight loss I will let you know my progress with it
I suggest those suplements;
Garnicia (gambocia)
Also instead of efedra I suggest
Green Tea extract
ephedrine has long been the mainstay of dieting until recently, it is effective. alli is a new drug that reduces the absorbtion of fat, you need to be a little careful of your diet when taking it since it can cause some dietary inconviences (the runs)