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catecholamines and insulin

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catecholamines were brought to my attention a while back. never really gave much thought to them in regards to blunting insulin but recent reading (lots and lots of reading) has made me at the very least open to the idea that carbs pwo (more so the high glycemic, insulin spiking carbs usually taken immedately pwo) are absolutely fucking useless.
anyway this little bastard is really fascinating. even more so is the abundance of lit avail and that has been avail for decades. seems stupid its just now getting attention.
anyway didnt know if anyone else had info on them or had thoughts on them. i can post abundance of studies if interested.

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

Ok I read your post about spiking insulin pre wo. This got me interested. I used to do 10 ius of slin pre wo and found this very effective. What's your protocol for spiking insulin pre wo?

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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well a lot depends on carb intake throughout day, how depleted your are or full you are, etc...
however, for arguments sake lets say you are on the low end, say consistently taking in no more than 100gm carb outside of periworkout entire week.
would spike insulin just before training and flood body with carb/short peptide protein. would then maintain same amount or increase carb/protein intake throughout workout. post would just slam aminos and/or short peptide prot, next 30-45 min, same thing, next 30-45 min eat. i personally can do this eating no carbs anytime after training and be totally fine. in a day in may take in up to 300gm of carb all during peri if im doing event training with other training. its very individualistic on how many carbs you want/need but i have found it is very easy to find out and even easier to increase strength/size while reducing bf. this is especially true the leaner you get.
basically run tons of meat/eggs/vegs morning afternoon night; all outside of training.
have seen change in body composition fairly quickly.
fyi i dont feel waxi is suffecient at spiking insulin on its own.

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455

Ok. I think this might work for me. Might change back to creatine monohydrate with pre/during wo dextrose. Just because I get better strength gains with it. I think it's mechanical from drawing more carbs and hydration into muscles. Of course, I'll wait till I'm a little leaner. This worked well with ex0 slin. Think it should work with endo too and it's a lot safer.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)
