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Carb Frenzy

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With all this Atkins diet crap going around, it kinda makes you think that you shouldnt eat any carbs at all. My question is? Don't you need carbs in your diet to promote muscle growth and maintain energy when you are training. How are you supposed to get in the weight room and accomplish anything without carbs in your system. Should you eat complex carbs up until you hit the gym. I tend to work-out after work around 5pm. How much carbs do you tend to burn in a 2 hour workout with 30 minutes of running? My point in asking that is because i am wondering on how much carbs you should load up before you workout, or if you should eat carbs at all before the workout. Is gatorade a bad source of carbs before the gym? I tend to eat 2 baked potatoes before i work out? Any help on the basics of carbs would be appreciated.

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There are many posts on this including some right below yours.....use the search button on this site to look for more-there is more than enough info here and differing opinions to keep you tied up for a while.......the short answer is that carbs facilitate the process of building muscle mass....glycogen storage, etc......if your diet is too low in carbs you will lose muscle mass and gain fat.......this is less applicable to more sedentary types and they can carb starve themselves to a higher your case it's more a question of what type, how much and when

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I almost dittoed DT's response..but im at work and i need to waste some time right now. NO u do not need carbs. There are no essential carbs period. Your body can survive perfectly well on protien and fats alone. Actually the same volume of fat will yield 32 times the amount of energy as the same volume of carbs. If u deplete you body completely of carbs u will have MORE energy, not less. I like to have simple carbs before and after my workout, so that my body doesnt use available aminos in my blood, or muscle tissue for energy at these crucial times. But this is pretty much the only times i ever eat any carbs while im dieting. The rest of the time I eat green vegitables, and alot of them...but no pasta, no potatoes, no sweets, no breads...

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thanks a lot, i here you about working! And i will read the other posts! What are some meals that you eat that are pretty simple to prepare, bc i just started working 8-5 job, and eating properly is hard. Thanks
