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Anabolic Diet

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Like the title says, I started the Anabolic Diet. I started carbing up today but will stop early tomorrow, so not the full 48 hours.

I did a search for it before I tried it and could only find one thread that was over a year old, so I decided to make this one.

So far, so good. The first day was the worst by far. I was really nauseous for most of the day. Second day was okay. Third day I was really weak in the gym and dizzy and disoriented. After that, I actually started enjoying it.

Today, I ate a whole box of mac and cheese, and then had to take a nap. Carb coma LOL.

As for measurements, weight, etc. I wasn't able to do measurements or use calipers before I started but I did weigh and I'm down about 2 lbs. I'm looking leaner as well and the calipers are as low as they were after my month of consistently working out back in October.

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do you have a beating heart?

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Posted by: pillsbury
do you have a beating heart?

Dude your on a fuckin roll

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

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this pillsbury dude has the most non relevant comments I've seen on about five threads... I wish I was a moderator 😛

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my posts are no less relevant than the fucking threads. fucking clowns...

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How about you post your diet up?

"In any contest between power and patience, bet on patience."
~W.B. Prescott

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
~Albert Einstein

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455
Posted by: pillsbury
my posts are no less relevant than the fucking threads. fucking clowns...

A thread about a cylic ketogenic diet isn't relevant? I don't get it.

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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Well the problem is the original poster never listed his diet either. Thats like asking someone what they think of "this cycle." And said person just starts putting up there results. Doesnt make any sense.

i was the 1997 International Spelling Bee Winnur

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if someone is really interested in what i eat then fine i will post it...
point is this thread like a lot of others is bullshit. it sounds like troll... like it was generated by computer not even a real fucking person. dude ate a box of mac and cheese and was in carb coma, who gives a fuck; what was even the point...
not only did this post share zero info it was pointless to begin with.

Seabiscuit Hogg
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 455
Posted by: pillsbury
if someone is really interested in what i eat then fine i will post it...
point is this thread like a lot of others is bullshit. it sounds like troll... like it was generated by computer not even a real fucking person. dude ate a box of mac and cheese and was in carb coma, who gives a fuck; what was even the point...
not only did this post share zero info it was pointless to begin with.

OK it wasn't very informative. I don't think I've ever carbed up. With mac n cheese. I usually used malto and other fast carbs at the start. Then did big cheat meal and started pushing carbs back the second day. Tryed to not eat a lot of fats during the carb up phase.

This post was modified 5 years ago by Seabiscuit Hogg

Seabiscuit Hogg is a fictious internet character. It is not recommended that you receive medical advice from fictious internet characters.

SBH :)

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ok gang, i think it is time to tone it down. this thread is just a relevant as many others and from my perspective the original poster was looking to share, gather info. maybe not the most informative but relevant questions can always develop the point. this time of the year is a great time to start a diet and a thread about dieting is always welcome.

